Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Blind Item #6

A big no show at Comic-Con was this B list mostly movie actress who is working on that very high profile upcoming show that everyone is discussing. The actress in question, who is young and been acting forever feels like she is being bullied on the set. This is not just minor stuff. She has actually talked to a lawyer about suing.


  1. Tricia131:00 AM

    Abigail Breslin

  2. Tricia131:01 AM

    "Scream Queens"/bully-Lea Michele

  3. Add Ariana Grande and Emma Roberts to the bully list

  4. blank1:19 AM

    Abigail Breslin.

    If Lea Michelle is outted for the bitch she really is I'd delight in it. Thank god she has a beautiful voice because she has a homely-as-fuck face.

    Am I the only one that thinks Scream Queens might bomb despite all the hype?

  5. Tricia131:34 AM

    @MJM-definitely added!

  6. What is is actually about? The Scream series?

  7. mariaj1:34 AM

    " Am I the only one that thinks Scream Queens might bomb despite all the hype?" Well, idk if it will bomb or not, i suppose that at least at the start it will do well, the hype, being a Murphy project ( and that person has gained attention in the industry, as much as i can't stand him ), having some " divas" in it, etc.

    Sure i HOPE it bombs, and i hope it bombs very badly.

  8. Warpath221:47 AM

    Immediatley thought of Kristen Ritter from Marvel's AKA Jessica Jones but she's more of a TV star.

  9. Derek Harvey1:56 AM

    This is stupid----I can't even see half the blinds and I only notice new ones when I look under recent comments and the only one posting is fucken Tricia of course. Who ever runs this site is a fool---I actually feel like a fool for being so loyal to it

  10. It sounds like her, but she did show at Comic Con. <a href=http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Abigail+Breslin+Billie+Catherine+Lourd+Comic+CEGZxADmAUVl.jpg target=_blank>Pic</a>

  11. Well that didn't work! Sorry, can't make it clickable, I guess.


  12. TheCousinEddy2:24 AM

    Abigail seems like a great guess, but a quick Google image search shows she was, indeed, present for the Scream Queens photo call at Comic Con. Not sure if she did a panel or not.

  13. Sadie2:36 AM

    Don't know the answer to this one, but I know a (Julliard trained) violinist who had to work with Lea Michelle. She said she's an insufferable little bitch.

  14. LimoMan3:01 AM

    This wouldn't be the first time I have heard of Abigail being bullied on the set of Scream Queens. However, if she was there it does deflate this blind.

  15. Malibuborebee6:16 AM

    On the one hand, Breslin was at Comic Con and there are probably several young actresses who could make this bullying complaint. God knows there are enough assholes to go around on any set.

    OTOH, is "Enty" really reliable enough to know that Breslin showed at Comic Con? I think not.

  16. Blue Jeans7:57 AM

    nah, Abigail Breslin was there.

  17. Blue Jeans7:58 AM

    She did the AHS & Scream Queens panel

  18. Cheryl11:05 AM

    @Derek, your nasty remarks just continue to reveal who you really are--immature wannabe.

  19. Harlowe 8211:44 AM


  20. Anarchy here12:44 PM

    you were not so loyal when you were bashing CDaN peeps and calling them morons and losers back when you were still allowed on Anarchy-(which you are not- keep lyin' tho-its funny! )Or keep bitching cuz yu 2nd rate and too late-find a support group for "neva will be's' "!

  21. Derek Harvey1:12 PM

    Get a life--or some real life friends

  22. Derek Harvey1:14 PM

    and btw ----I am very much active on Anarchy

  23. Anarchy here2:15 PM

    why lie? no you are not "active on Anarchyhttp://www.anarchygossip.blogspot.com/ sorry but truth sucks.
    no one misses you-not since your last meltdown(december?) its all good, nobody gives a shit about being spared your episodes and cray attacks (its been like an extended vacation actually)- but why lie about it on this site?

  24. bruce Gender3:35 AM

    go wash your ass, I can smell it from here.

  25. Derek Harvey4:58 AM

    fuck off Sugarbread---go write your blog no one reads--- YOU are the only person banned from Anarchy hahaha
    I suggest you get some counseling, or even better, kill yourself. No one will miss you.
