Monday, July 27, 2015

Blind Item #5

You would think there would not be much demand for an openly gay actress during yacht season, but that is not the case. Our actress does it for the drugs and not for the money, but she is the go to threesome partner when that is what is requested. One of these summers she is going to end up dead of an overdose.


  1. Tricia1312:45 AM

    Michele rodriquez

  2. back again12:51 AM

    Isn't she one of the original yacht girls & out & proud about it?..always papped on yachts..always.That's what she does.. with an occasional appearance on Fast &Furious's always been all about the drugs.

  3. back again12:58 AM

    hence, the zac effron mod squad last summer

  4. Whywhywhy???3:06 AM

    Don't deny she cleans up well but no accounting for taste. She seems rude and gross but I guess if you pay her she's nice during dinner.

  5. What happens when yacht season is over? Do the rich personality shriveled guys go celibate and the hos get clerk jobs in banks? Just asking.

  6. Luxurylatte3:27 PM

    What's that models name from the newest season of Orange? I vote her. I'm sure her stock has skyrocketed now and I could see her being highly requested.

  7. looking closely3:32 AM

    If this is, in fact, Michelle Rodriguez, I didn't know she was openly gay!

    Alcoholic. . .yeah. Multiple DUIs attest to that.

    But if I remember right, she's openly "bi" and has denied being "lesbian" (NTTAWTT).

  8. looking closely3:35 AM


    When yacht season is over, they just make do with non-celebrity whores.

    Kind of like normal people and peaches. When summer is over, you eat apples!
