Thursday, July 02, 2015

Blind Item #5

This A list mostly movie actor who has been in a bunch of the biggest movies of all time and has a record that probably will not be broken for some time has lung cancer from years of smoking.


  1. Tricia1312:47 AM

    Robert DeNiro(A+ though)

  2. Tricia1312:49 AM

    Jonny Depp?--too vague

  3. cebii1:06 AM

    Harrison Ford

  4. Samuel L. Jackson

  5. I believe he has a record for his movies making the most money out of any actor/actress of all time.

  6. Tricia131:20 AM

    good one @huh-not sure??

  7. Annie1:40 AM

    Oh, I hope it isn't Samuel L. Jackson but he does have a record, highest box office ever.

  8. +1
    Harrison Ford has been in the most top ten grossing films of all time.

  9. Simon1:40 AM

    Burt Reynolds

  10. TheCousinEddy1:49 AM

    I hate to lecture others, but I have witnessed, first-hand, the wicked aftermath decades of cigarette smoking had on two close family members. One suffered from lung cancer that ultimately spread to other areas of the body. The other suffered for years with C.O.P.D. (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). It was heartbreaking to watch each of these family members suffer and, yes, each person knew what caused their sickness and put them in that situation. To this day, I am highly sensitive to cigarette smoke and can't stand to be near it (I can actually smell others in their car smoking, if I'm sitting at a red light and my a/c is running and don't even get me started on people whose hair and clothing reek from the smell of stale cigarette smoke!) So, if you or someone you know smokes, please try to quit. If not for yourself, then at least try to quit to minimize the pain of your loved ones having to watch you suffer a drawn-out smoking-related terminal illness such as lung cancer or C.O.P.D. It sucks.

  11. ~~~♥♥Baby Doll♥♥~~~1:54 AM

    Jack Nicholson

  12. I know I've seen him smoking cigars several times. Not a doctor so I don't know if cigars do the same kind of damage that cigarettes do. I would think if this were Harrison Ford it would mention how he's had some bad luck recently (the plane crash)

  13. I'm looking at a list of top ten grossing films. Top ten not adjusted for inflation are....

    The Avengers (Sam Jackson)
    Furious 7
    Avengers Age of Ultron (Sam Jackson)
    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
    Jurassic World
    Iron Man 3 (Did Sam Jackson appear in that?)
    Transformers Dark of the Moon

    Adjusted for inflation the top ten movies are.....

    Gone with the Wind
    Star Wars (Harrison Ford)
    The Sound of Music
    ET The Extra Terrestrial
    The Ten Commandments
    Doctor Zhivago
    Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

    I don't think this is Harrison Ford. I said to Tricia below that I think this would mention bad luck he's had (the plane crash)

  14. Whywhywhy???2:49 AM

    I am a former smoker whose sister died of lung cancer and whose grandma smoked her own rollies until I moved her north and then she smoked pall malls with out a filter tip. She died in her sleep at 94 and smoked until the last three days of her life. Same gene pool. Different outcomes. Not to diminish lung cancer and COPD suffering, death from any chronic illness is never pleasant to say the least. High blood pressure took my mom and it was sad to watch. I am fanatical about my sodium intake and don't season with salt but leave others to there vices however deadly as long as they don't mess with my reese cups and I don't sleep with them.

  15. Samuel also battled a crack addiction prior to getting his big break.

  16. CelticQ3:27 AM

    ...sending out prayers for whomever it is.

  17. Whywhywhy???3:42 AM

    could this be Burt Reynolds even though his smokey and the bandit didn't break the top 100 grossing films. I recall a mention that he was on oxygen at some event. Yeah, rinsing about my lunch bowl and up pops this blind. Gotta get a life...LOL

  18. Once I walked a colleague to her car. She needed her portable oxygen. We had to stop about every two yards for her to catch her breath and feel strong enough to continue. I was very nervous seeing this and kept asking if she wanted me to go to the car and get the tank. She didn't answer and we finally made it after a long time. Horrible experience.

    Many times after that I held my breath to see what it feels like not to be able to get oxygen. Scary.

  19. Studio544:50 AM

    I pick Jack Nicholson.

    How freaking stupid must you be to STILL be smoking FIFTY YEARS after the Surgeon General's report in 1964, saying cigarettes are dangerous?

  20. back again5:24 AM

    @Huh?-- great guess -well i hate the guess b/c i wouldn't wish this upon anybody but we were JUST saying while watching KITE what movie HASN'T Samuel Jackson been associated with?

    Jurassic Park
    Iron Man 2
    Captain America
    Good Fellas
    Pulp Fiction
    True Romance
    Die Hard With A Vengeance
    Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
    The Avengers
    The Incredibles
    The Negotiator
    The Long Kiss Goodnight
    Django Unchained
    Patriot Games
    A Time To Kill
    Snakes On A Plane
    Do The Right Thing
    Jungle Fever
    Jackie Brown
    Coach Carter
    Changing Lanes
    Kill Bill 2
    Exorcist III
    Sea Of Love(in one of my Favorite movie scenes)
    Out Of Sight (in Another of my Favorite movie scenes)



  21. back again5:27 AM

    wouldn't Jack Nicholson be permanent A ...A+(or howeva Enty rates these guys)

  22. Riven5:30 AM

    I've struggled with quitting smoking for 4 years now, so I just wanted to say thanks. I appreciate the personal anecdotes, it helps bring the topic back into the forefront of my mind.

  23. I live with one of those stupid people. I do not understand it for the life of me. He's quit before only to go back. I just do not get it. I think it's a control issue for my Stupid Man.

  24. Peter Rabbit8:51 AM

    Bruce Willis.

  25. back again8:53 AM

    good luck @Riven.It took my brother 7 true attempts but he did it (it's been 9 yrs. now)so, with that...i hope you get there too. : )

  26. Emeraldcity9:25 AM

    I hate to hit the lecture button as well but smoking pot is even worse than cigarettes for lung damage 1joint causes more lung tissue damage than 10 regular cigarettes. The instances of under 30's with COPD has goneup 400% in the past 5years mainly due to marijuana use.

  27. Robert9:50 AM

    Don't mean to be rude, but I don't buy it...I smoked the equivalent of a pack of cigarettes by your estimate daily for 25 years, and then quit 3 years ago. I don't suffer any residual effects regarding my breathing like I think I would have from that amount of cigarettes.

  28. thebutlerdidit5:59 PM

    Samuel L Jackson. We've all gotta die from something, let people make their own decisions with their lives

  29. Nobody5:16 AM

    Johnny Depp's been in some of the biggest moneymakers of all time - Pirates
