Thursday, July 02, 2015

Blind Item #4

This A- list comic/former actress/former reality star/former host complained for the first 30 minutes the other night about where she was seated at dinner. Apparently she could not be seen where she was seated so she kept getting up to take walks through the restaurant.


  1. Tricia1312:30 AM

    Kathy Griffin

  2. And-so-on..1:15 AM

    No one noticed her roaming about.. or avoided eye contact thinking she should want to harass them with a tirade of her bitter wit.

  3. TheCousinEddy1:55 AM

    I agree, this is Kathy Griffin. She was on Jimmy Kimmel the other night and I finally realized something: she is a snarky flamboyant gay man trapped in a female body. I used to like her and enjoy her schtick, but she now panders to one specific demographic and spends half the time she's on stage, name-dropping celebrities that are much more talented and much more well-known than she is. She needs to update her act.

  4. Kno Won Uno4:14 AM

    Agree. She's become repetitive, strident, and brittle.

  5. thebutlerdidit6:00 PM

    Griffin. She crapped the bed awhile back.
