Monday, July 13, 2015

Blind Item #4

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who is waiting for his franchise to start shooting again has been faithful as of late to his wife. That all changed recently though when he traveled on his own to do some press and hooked up with a well known in her country blonde porn star.


  1. Derek Harvey12:31 AM

    tom hardy

  2. tricia1312:32 AM

    Chriis Hemsworth

  3. Derek Harvey12:33 AM

    daniel crag

  4. tricia1312:37 AM

    Sam Worthington/Lara Bingle
    Avatar in Pre Production still

  5. Khaleesi12:45 AM

    Jamie Dornan. Out on press for his movie Anthropoid

  6. Jumbo Jim12:49 AM

    All good guesses. I really dont get why these people bother to get married. If they wanted to hook up with as many women as they want, then they should have stayed single. That way, they can never be branded as cheaters. I dont get why they want to drag and hurt their significant others by marrying them then cheating on them often.

  7. Penelope12:55 AM

    Like the Dornan guess. Though he was mostly TV. I guess he's mostly movie now coz of several movies coming out this year and next year

  8. Ernest12:55 AM

    Chris Hemsworth?

  9. Daddy Long Legs12:56 AM

    Jamie Dornan

  10. Crazy Eyes12:58 AM

    Tom Hardy. I have a feeling his womanizing ways has been reinforced by his association with Leonardo Di Catchahoe. And quite possibly, his wife will be the next Jennifer something (Jon Hamm's ex gf). Long suffering woman.

  11. Whywhywhy???1:17 AM

    Harrison Comic-Con on his own???? doesn't say the well know blonde porn star in her country was in her country.

  12. Mowbray1:18 AM

    Isn't he waiting for two franchises to shoot? "The Fall" in November and that grey thing later?

  13. texasrose1:31 AM

    So Kim Kardtrashian is the porn star. Who is the guy?

  14. Jamie Dornan. He was just in Prague by himself to promote his new movie which will begin filming this week. Something tells me the wife is keeping a very short leash on him lately!

  15. Stacey2:40 AM

    Jamie Dornan. I saw that he was at some festival in the Czech Republic talking about his new movie. Hey, once a cheat always a cheat. But Dornan is a stunning looking man!

  16. Rachel2:54 AM

    This sounds like Dornan to me. He's been filming a lot of films back to back lately and I saw pictures of him in Prague and his wife was not there. Usually she goes everywhere with him. I guess when you have a child its harder to travel so much and never be home. But I also thinks Dornan's wife knows what he's up to so she is probably right traveling with him everywhere!

  17. Groaning5:27 AM

    Chris Hemsworth. His wife knows he cheats but she doesn't care. As long as he brings home the millions.

  18. rdmtimp11:12 AM

    Not foreign born.

  19. They get married because they don't want to lose her. They want her to commit while they have no intention of doing same.

  20. Victoria9:38 PM

    This could be Hemsworth or Dornan, both have been rumored to cheat. Though not sure what franchise film Hemsworth is waiting to film, since one came out recently. And Dornan is waiting to film FSOG. Dornan was in the Czech Republic but not for long, I think only 1/2 day. Don't know why these guys get married have kids and still cheat. Stay single and do whatever or whomever you want. I feel bad for the wives, unless like so many in Hollywood, they pretend not to know all because they want to me married to someone famous. And rumor has it both of these actor's wives love being with famous men.

  21. giddyaunt12:19 AM

    It's humorous that so many people list Dornan. Almost like there's a concerted-effort to cast him as a serial cheater. On one level he HAS likely cheated on the occultist wife. "Hold-ON-Millie" doesn't much care if he bangs hoes. As long as she can continue to claw-onto to his coattails. Notice she dropped a new CD. LOL! But if he's serious about another non-hoe. Then casting him as an un-repentant cheater would be to Ameila Warner's advantage. Yes-No? So its a game of trying to "wear-down" her rival.

    Tsk-tsk-tsk. (Notice its 3x...just for YOU Millie). Some people NEVER learn.. They just triple-down on stupidity.

    Dornan has too much riding on his current position. Both professionally. And personally. There's NO reason he would risk his future on some hoe. If he "hooked-up". It was with someone else. Not a hoe.

  22. Victoria3:05 AM

    @giddyaunt LOL! While I understand what you are saying, if the rumors are true about Dornan, I am positive now that he is "famous" he takes many precautions so that whomever he sleeps with cannot spill the beans (whether its questionable women, co-stars, fans, etc.) Honestly I think most actors don't really care who they are cheating with and aren't really going for the girl next door type. I saw that his wife is dropping an album. She's not stupid, drop an album now (after leaving the business), have the husband promote it on twitter, get a million fangirls to buy. Either way his wife wins, she may know and chooses to stay for the fame or if she finds out (and actually cares), pop out a few more kids, wait for the FSOG movies to be over and then take him for all he's got.

  23. giddyaunt6:00 AM

    Oh Vicky. You on Millie's payroll too? Hope she gets enough $$ from that "album" to afford you. Tell me. Will she be blowing out more matches on this one as well? A nice Goethe vibe might work. LOL.

    Only on some alternative kabbalah-koven universe does HOLD-ON-Millie win. Unfortunately for her, the karma-universe is about to bite Millie in that ass NOT being tapped by her husband. So unless she's experimenting with IVF more Dornan babies may not be in her tarot cards. Then again. Rosemary's baby may be doable.

    Millie and her minions are increasingly pathetic. Come-on Vick-ster. Is this the best game ya got? Cause one expects SO MUCH MORE from the KKKs. Too bad you gals were never in a REAL sorority. You'd have picked up some helpful tips.

  24. Yeahsure6:31 AM

    Kids, ya see, they want to have kids and a family AND their stud privileges . . .

    But Hardy doesn't have a franchise, does he - or is he signed up for another Mad Max already? Craig's at the end of "Spectre". So I'm thinking Hemsworth - wife and kids back in Oz, "Huntsman" must be in the can already, ditto "In the Heart of the Sea", so he must be waiting around for "Raganarok", his next "Thor" gig. And I'm not sure that even with "50 Shades" Dornan gets an A- . . . but hey, that's just me.

  25. Malibuborebee9:29 AM

    Oh fuck. We've got some Grade A Stans here today.

    Bitches be cray.

  26. Victoria9:41 PM

    @giddyaunt Woah, in no way is my post pro Millie. Actually, I'm not a fan of hers, her music, her acting. I remember her back in the day when she was with Colin Farrell and I always got a vibe about her that she like being with "famous" men. I'm just saying she is in a position now that her husband is very famous that this new album will probably leap to number one because all it takes is one tweet from the husband and a million fan girls will be wasting money to download it. I mean go on twitter this girls are in a frenzy and won't talk about the album because someone in Millie's family (ahem, Millie's mother) told them that it hasn't officially been announced so not to talk about (in English terms, Jamie hasn't tweeted to buy it so wait for him and then rave all you want). Now I don't know anything about being famous, but you can bet if I was I would tell my mother to keep her mouth quiet and stop re-tweeting everything my husband's crazy fans write. But it seems the mother craves the attention as much as the daughter. You seem to be in the know about Millie and Jamie's relationship or lack thereof, I am not.

    So please don't put me in the I love Millie fandom, I most certainly am not. She has to live with the decisions she's made. I mean all this can be rumors and Jamie could be so in love with her as he claims and forced it down everyone's throat while out promoting FSOG. My take, he and his people heard the rumors, his people told him make the FSOG promotion the "I love my wife promotion" and then all the crazy fans will believe. It's a cult I tell you!

  27. giddyaunt10:48 PM

    At the risk of being "cray" (is there a way to verify IQ-vocabulary competency for posters here??) please accept apologies for accusing you of being Millie's shill. That would be a HUGE come-down from ANY other shill job one could imagine. You sound much too intelligent to waste time on her shit.

    Don't need to be an "insider" to see what's happening. The increasing desperation of Millie and her minions is palpable. Watch for the next (red v blue?) shoe to drop.

    Who knows why Jamie ran around declaring his love for Millie and trashing FSOG. Confusion? Pressure? Stress? He seems like a really nice, decent, humble guy. Wicked people take advantage of those qualities. Particularly during times of confusion, pressure, stress. People of goodwill give slack to other good people when they've been played by wicked people.

    It's obvious SOMEONE is feeding shit to sites like this. It's purpose is to discredit and smear Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson. Fingerprints lead to Millie's kabbalah-koven. Look for the wrist strings and red left toenails. Apply BDS. Liberally.

  28. B ackerman1:25 AM

    Wasn't Dakota by any chance

  29. B ackerman2:32 AM

    Are you sure she belongs to Kabbalah I know she's jewish

  30. friendsofweepingwillow4:41 AM

    Oh sure. Millie and I are besties. We share EVERYTHING. And after we dish. We do our kabbalah chants every night. Then braid each others hair. And figure out what 2 colors of shoes to put on her daughter the next day. Although, the hair braiding part is a little diff these days. We manage.

    FFS you people are dim. OPEN YOUR EYES. The khazar-kabbalah-koven is taking new members. Watch yourself. They dirty rush.

  31. giddyaunt5:01 AM

    Ummmm... Shits getting real. Duck and cover dolls. Millie's on her broomstick. And she's coming in hot.

  32. I did not believe you about Amelia and her occult preoccupations but if you look at the cover of her album you find out it is true. The symbols there are very powerful: the winged lion, head down, speared in his heart, the eye/ heart in the triangle etc. It is very severe to portray a winged lion head down. It means you want to take his power, to control him, to make him unable to fly. Who could be the lion with the wings? The one who became famous and is known and appreciated worldwide. Amelia may be Jewish but these Khazars are Jewish too, check it, the truth is out there, we only need to look at it with clear eyes.

  33. EZ2Guess1:21 AM

    Definitely Dornan!

  34. Friend of Pussy11:23 PM

    There are two interesting theories on who and why these stories are being released. First: Most likely culprit is Millie and her PR team of kabbalah occultists hoping to discredit Dornan. Motives are revenge and to drive a wedge between him and his significant "other". To make him seem untrustworthy. So that he will stay married to Hold-On-Millie. Second: Dornan himself is releasing info on cheating with a variety of women. To obfuscate and muddy the waters on the TRUE focus of his affections. Motive is to protect the "other" person from the wrath of Millie, her kabbalah minions and legal suits. Casting him as a serial cheater dilutes the impact of his TRUE intentions.

    My bet is on the former. But the latter would be a smart strategy. Particularly given legal negotiations.

  35. What do you mean by legal negotiations?

  36. ^ Hey friend *3:46 AM

    It would seem your latest theories have been debunked, yet again, as SMM has posted a photo on her IG account (@smmmusic) indicating her presence in Prague. There were also reports on Twitter yesterday that the both of them were spotted at Heathrow headed out of London. With these two little details coming to light, it would appear that SHE remains his significant other, in spite of your claims to the contrary. What say you now?

  37. She is trying to work it out this time? What about last time? I f she lives her life to prove wrong some lunatic fans, then her life is pretty miserable. Because fans grow up, tomorrow there will be other stars, other actors for them to love and to wish to be together, but Amelia will grow old chasing a guy who never loved her, who is rumoured to cheat on her, who is always away on set, filming. Her life is pathetic because she runs after a man who perhaps only tolerates her for the sake of the kid. Once a guy has lied to you, you can be sure it will repeat.

  38. @Suga8:51 AM

    To possibly the biggest lunatic fan of all...After all, one has to wonder why you despise the woman so...KWIM? What has she ever done to you, personally, to cause this amount of hatred?

    Let me get this straight...

    Are you now implying he's probably a cheater to defend your lame position about her? I thought before you claimed that the infidelity rumors weren't true and that she was the one who was propagating them and painting him that way to discredit him and make him look bad, as a means of either improving her standing in a divorce settlement, or making him unappealing to anyone but her, in an effort to keep him. You can't have it both ways, Suga. Talking out two sides of your mouth is a really ineffectual way to get your agenda across.

    Just so you know, I do tend to agree with you about his reasons for marrying her; and continuing to remain with her...It is all about the child. Yes, they were engaged, but to make sure he met her at the altar, and didn't back out, like all her other lovers had done to her in the past, she got knocked up on purpose. That was her insurance of getting the gold band placed on her finger, and it worked. She's his 'missus'.

    If (and this is a really big 'if') you are correct about her being as evil as you claim, I would have to think he has no choice in the matter, than to stick it out with her to protect his kid, who is the true innocent in all of this. Now, if more babies come out of this union, as I suspect they will, that's a whole different ball game. That would indicate the 'smitten' stories are, more than likely, a reality, and not merely a fabricated PR stunt, as some shippers are insisting. Time will tell...

    Although, in the long run, I don't think the end result will really matter all that much to his present horde of adoring fans. As you, yourself, pointed out, 'here today, gone tomorrow', right? As it is, his present popularity is already waning. He's been cut from "Burnt", in which I would assume he was originally cast to attract his fan-base to the film; and therefore, his being edited out would indicate he is no longer regarded that big of a draw at the box office; other than maybe with the two remaining segments of the FSoG franchise, at any rate. And if present rumors about it prove true, I would even have to question that.

    In addition, on IMDb, his Star-meter rating has steadily been on the decline for at least the last couple of months. It's been in the 500's for that period, and every week it drops a little lower; this week by 12 points; whereas his FSoG co-star's is steadily on the rise. This week she's at 35, bumping up 36 points from last week, and she was at 95 about three weeks ago, as I recall. The pendulum of popularity has definitely shifted since February. It will be interesting to watch this saga play out. Fact is much more intriguing and entertaining than fiction will ever be.

  39. WTF are you talking about? You practically admit she got pregnant on purpose to get her hand on him? Everybody sees Amelia's wickedness plays a negative impact on Jamie, it is visible, she is a negative presence around him and the fact that he is losing points is also caused by his inability to act well because of his problems in his marriage. The poor guy cannot focus on his roles because that pathetic woman called wife does not allow him to focus. So, well done!

  40. @ Sam2:52 AM

    I didn't practically admit it...I did admit it! However, that it is nothing more than my personal theory. Based on the facts on which I have to go, it was the conclusion I was able to draw. I stated that I do believe that's what happened, and I have no problem in doing so; but that, notwithstanding, is only my opinion (and a theory), as no one can really prove such a thing, now can one? That is, unless AW comes forward to tell us what's in her own mind, and i doubt that will ever occur.

    Still, would you not agree that for the sake of his innocent child, it is in Dornan's best interest to stick around, in order to protect the little girl; especially given what you allege? IMHO, any loving parent would and should make any requisite sacrifices for their offspring. And, if I were to go along with your assertions about the woman, that would make the exigence of this particular circumstance all the more imperative.,,mandatory, even.

    Whether one can ascribe the blame for his less than stellar acting chops to her would require rather a far stretch of the imagination. I personally doubt he had them to begin with, but then, we are all permitted to have our own opinions, aren't we? That just happens to be mine.
