Friday, July 31, 2015

Blind Item #1

This B list mostly movie actress from an acting family has a new movie coming out. Her male co-star is getting huge accolades, but not for our do anything to get noticed actress. Her PR company is paying people to Tweet out how great our actress is in the movie and to trash her co-star. She really is desperate to be famous.


  1. Tricia1312:00 AM

    Kate Mara/Jaime Bell

  2. sandybrook12:02 AM

    Blake Lively

  3. sandybrook12:04 AM

    co-star for All I See is You is Yvonne Stavhovski

  4. Tricia1312:05 AM

    or Mara/Miles Teller maybe

  5. Tricia1312:06 AM

    Yvonne is a dude?

  6. sandybrook12:10 AM

    missed that part, :( Yvonne is the star, Blake co-stars. Anyway it fits becuz she would do this to Yvonne and she "looks fantastic" over in Barcelona

  7. Tricia1312:12 AM

    yes-she is beautiful( and a recent kindness blind think,):) Kate M just chopped her hair off into a pixie cut so I thought that meant(anything to get noticed?)

  8. Hmmm. Elizabeth Olsen and Tom Hiddleston. Preview showings for I saw the light. With everything all about trying to make her huge going on these days it fits.

  9. Sadie2:17 AM

    I'll go with Kate Mara. It's now or never for her. She isn't getting any younger.

  10. alice3:41 AM

    Not Mara bc the FF is an ensemble and the BI talks about one co-star. As if the films has two leads: her and the male.
    Not Blake be would qualify her family as a acting family, nobody else but her has done anything successful. It’s like acting family means they’re all working actor and relatively known/successful.

    I have no guess

  11. alice3:46 AM

    And that’s perfectly fine bc success doesn’t mean to become a huge star, there can be just a handful of them, that can tolerate that way of living and pressure and scrutiny. Not every actor aspires to that. Success means being a working actor for a long time. Being able to choose the roles, even if indy or supporting.

  12. Lila Fowler5:53 AM

    I think it can still be Kate Mara if one of her male costars seems to be getting singled out for praise. I haven't read any FF reviews yet so I can't be of any help. She does seem very desperate for publicity.

    Alicia Vikander also strikes me as the desperate type. She has a few movies coming out.
