Thursday, June 25, 2015

Mr. X Blind Item #2

What A/B-list former singer/reality star/sometime actress with a lucrative side business is not only spending money on drugs but also on more plastic surgery? She was spotted out at lunch with some friends sporting plumper lips and a heavily botoxed face. And I thought she just stopped with the boobs... so far she's had more work done this year than at any other point in her career.


  1. Derek Harvey4:18 AM

    jessica simpson

  2. Kno Won Uno4:19 AM

    JLo? She's getting up there.

  3. Kno Won Uno4:21 AM

    (MTO claims Nicki Minaj is pregnant - one of their WORLD EXCLUSIVE "facts", like when Rihanna was pregnant by Leo)

  4. Kno Won Uno4:27 AM

    I see a pic of Jessica from last night...I can't tell about work because she looks pretty drunk. Her lips look the same to me. IDfK.

  5. Tricia134:44 AM

    I like Nicole Scherzinger for this:side business being escorting/bearding(Lewis Hamilton"if true").

  6. Malibuborebee6:12 AM

    Jessica Simpson seems to fit the clues best. Poor thing.

  7. back again6:14 AM

    @Malibu & @Kno. I left you a msg. on Random Pics Part 2 !!! the comment's on Oct.6,2008 uncategorized at 12noon today.
