Monday, June 29, 2015

Mr. X Blind Item #2 - BET Awards

The encounter between the two ex girlfriends that everyone was waiting to happen did happen. Right before the show started, ex girlfriend #1 bumped into ex girlfriend #2 and both gave each other the double-barreled salute. Classy.


  1. Tricia135:08 AM

    Chris Brown/Rihanna/Karrueche Tran

  2. Whywhywhy???5:53 AM

    +2.... why they would waste their energy on that pencil dick is beyond reason.

  3. 3
    I personally think KT got exactly what she wanted, press. She's joined Cara Santana in the "Who the fuck is she" section of the daily mail. The press ate up her bull shit I Will Survive sob story and praise her for leaving him. (*cough* Finally *cough*) Maybe she got an offer that was high enough to make his drama no longer necessary to fund her paps? I think she was in Miami the weekend they broke up, and yachting a bit later. Why I remember this I don't ducking know it's hanging out in my brain with Miami Ink info JFC haha.

    Rihanna, I have no idea. She just has my empathy for having to see these assholes.

  4. Malibuborebee3:58 PM

    Rihanna likes rough sex which is no biggie. When it comes with serious, un-sexy beatings on the side then it's a problem. I hope she finds some nice, kinky guy and lives happily ever after.

    Chris Brown is like Bobby Brown, some talent, even more issues, destined to fail and either disappear or end up in prison.

    Karruche Tran is nothing and nobody. Couldn't pick her out of a lineup and wouldn't want to, but no doubt someone will have to before she's through.
