Friday, June 19, 2015

Four For Friday - The Idea

Happy Friday everyone. Sunday is not only Father's day, but the first day of summer. The longest day of the year and then everything goes downhill from there as the days start to get shorter and the next thing you know it's Thanksgiving and you only come up for air after the third football game of the day for another slice of chocolate pecan pie. Normally I would say this in the photos, but since it is Friday, will do it here. Just ten more days of Random Photos to have your reader photo displayed in Random Photos and then again on Reveal Day. July 4th is close. I can smell the fireworks at Flavor Flav's house. If you want your photo included, e-mail it to I will be here all weekend blogging so stop on by. If you want to follow me on Twitter, I am @entylawyer

I hate when someone says, "Come on, it will be fun." It rarely is. It means they think it is pretty sucky and don't want to go by themselves so they try and convince you it is going to be great so you can join in on the suckitude. So, even though I hate it when it is done to me, there I was doing it. Kind of whiny. Not Caillou whiny, but I really did not want to do this alone. Actually I needed her help. Her being JC. She was an A list singer for about two seconds. A one hit wonder. Comes from a great singing family though. No, not the Osmonds. I'm not ever going to try and convince one of them to hang out with me or take a trip with me. Did I ever tell you my Marie Osmond story? Well, lets just say that she will always regret messing with my head. OK, where was I? Oh yeah. JC. I needed her because my other contact RO was really busy right then enjoying her own one hit wonder status. Everyone still knows that song and her name. The other person I was going to enlist (GR) to help was a one album wonder who has managed to make that album last a lifetime. He was notoriously famous for not showing up when he promised and also if he did show up was probably going to be wasted. He still has A+ list name recognition.

So, that left me JC. Plus she was here and now and not at the other end of a 12 hour flight. She had the connection. A big connection. Her ex. He is not really important to the story but the purpose for all of this was to land the impossible. Through her ex she had met the impossible. The impossible loved her. I would love to have loved her, but she was having no part of my bacon loving self in that kind of way.

This had all started a few weeks earlier. I had been talking about the impossible and another person started kicking around the idea of the impossible. Could it be done? There was a lot of money to be made. Some phone calls were made to people with deep pockets and they were in. One catch. Needed a yes. Impossible. Probably, but I was going to give it a shot. There was not going to be any money in this for me. All I wanted was for me to be able to say I pulled off what no one said could be done. I remember thinking it would take a lot of phone calls and a whole lot of back and forth, but that it could be done. The phone calls got some buzz going and things were looking up. Then, all of a sudden the door slammed shut and I knew who was behind that door closing. This was going to require face to face. The person behind that door would say no to me and probably not even meet with me to listen. That person would listen to JC though. He adored RO and tolerated GR. The thing is all three of them could get me that meeting. I knew the three. The tough part was getting one of the three to help me out. So, there I was, backstage at a concert waiting patiently for the meet and greet to finish and talk to JC. I told her my plan. I told her what I needed. She volunteered to call her ex which was nice, but not enough. She really didn't want to go back. She had been there a long time and never felt comfortable there. She liked what she was doing now and where she was living and was about to go into the studio and blah blah blah. I begged, I pleaded. I told her it would be fun. She rolled her eyes, but agreed.

On Monday, we meet RO and GR.


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