Sunday, June 28, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #6

June 5, 2015

This A list singer who no one really likes because he never seems to change. Plus, there was that whole beating thing. Too easy for you? He recently tried to have a waitress fired because he thought she was being disrespectful. How? She wouldn’t unbutton her top for him.

Chris Brown


  1. Needle4:35 AM

    He's an idiot.

  2. And-so-on..5:29 AM

    Needs a mature father figure self reliance life coach and church to find his humble self esteem.

  3. Whywhywhy???7:05 AM

    Am I the only one who thinks Olivia Pope, her character on Scandal, would have thought this real life arrangement a good thing. Life imitates art?

  4. Malibuborebee9:28 AM

    Somebody's brother, father, friend, whatever needs to track down Mr. Brown and give him a taste of his own medicine. See how he likes it when someone pounds the shit out of him.

  5. tarap1:12 PM

    I wholeheartedly agree... his mom would probably run around screaming about how they're targeting her very good boy and he's a victim. His mom lied and made up hours on his community service. Any wonder the kid's a POS?

  6. HiHat2:43 AM

    I also have to ask who are the dimbulbs who keep enabling this clown by buying his records and tickets to his shows. Doesn't the word "shun" mean anything to anybody any more?

  7. "Needs a mature father figure self reliance life coach and church to find his humble self esteem."

    What he needs is someone who beats the shit out of him every day until he becomes a decent person. Violence is the only thing this fuckin entitled idiot would understand.

  8. Choco6:53 AM

    He will fall on his own sword.
