Friday, June 19, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 20, 2015


This B- list mostly movie actress is a newlywed. She also could use some work to keep her status. The only thing she has going for her is that franchise. Apparently she now considers herself far too busy and important to sign autographs or take photos and if you are a woman who wants to take a photo with her actor husband, forget it. She drags him away or shoves a hand in front of the cell phone of teenagers. I guess she thinks it is Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton all over again and not what it is. A future in VH-1 reality shows.

Nikki Reed/Ian Somerhalder


  1. sandybrook3:40 AM

    Welp Enty if are paying attention, these 2 lovebirds are instagramming photos and professing their love for each other from all over, daily.

  2. And-so-on..3:47 AM

    The future Speidi? Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt types are grifting and annoying all of us?

  3. Hmm... Ian was refusing some photos recently, he had never done that before. Nikki's influence?
    One can only wonder why he married her--she's dumb, apparently jealous and isn't even half as hot as someone a man of his looks could snatch.

  4. I feel like this was one of the worst decisions he could have ever made.

  5. daaah6:37 PM

    this blind reveal is so uneventful it sounds more like nikki hate. ian is a grown ass man, he can make his own decisions. if he wants nikki and she wants him, who are we to judge.

  6. Kestrel12:27 AM

    Any man who marries Nikki Reed is making the worst decision ever.
    Luckily for Nikki it only lasts a year or two... but expect a lot of lies afterwards to make her look good in the press.
    Those who want proof can go through her interviews and instagram for the period of Fall 2013 - Spring 2014 and see how many times she says she loves her husband and they live in amazing lucky romantic married bliss. Then see the divorce statement where she says they'd been separated since early fall 2013. Oops.

  7. Onetowatch10:16 AM

    I met Nikki Reed years ago, a few different times before her Twilight movies and even then she was the biggest bitch I ever had the displeasure of meeting. She's horrible and he's so nice, I have no idea why they are together. Won't last.
