Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 14, 2015


This X Games/Olympic athlete was the joke of Coachella. Not only was he cheating on his girlfriend the entire weekend but he was a diva and was the only guy to have a bodyguard. When this A+ list director/actor saw that the athlete had a bodyguard the A+ lister called him a pu**y.

Shaun White/Clint Eastwood


  1. yeah clint!! make shaun stand in a corner with baby eastwood!!

  2. MarcEss3:50 AM

    Clint Eastwood, the only 80 year old who could kick the ass of a man 4 times younger than him.

  3. Chris j4:23 AM

    Maybe the body guard is to hold his stash. Pussy is right.

  4. snapnoodle4:26 AM

    Clint Eastwood is such a republican and I mean that as the insult that it is.

  5. Clint would not need a bodyguard at Coachella but Shaun White would. The former is not someone people would recognize there, the latter is. Some people like to cause trouble when they see someone famous.

  6. :) I've got your back snappy.

  7. Thats odd because his girlfriend was with him the entire weekend at Coachella, they were inseparable. Also he wasn't the only celebrity there with a bodyguard.
