Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Kindness

May 15, 2015


This actor has done everything from the darkest dramas to the most slapstick comedy roles usually partnering with a Razzie regular. The guy has even shown up on a hit cable show that had a long run. Our actor comes from an acting family. Our actor has now even started directing films. Anyway, he arrived in Cannes with his wife and a reporter there said it was his first day on the job. He looked to be about 20 and he had a notebook and phone to record and also to take photos and was really nervous and our actor asked him why he was nervous and the reporter mentioned it was his first day so the actor let the reporter ride in the car with him and gave him a nice 20 minute interview.

John Turturro


  1. back again2:47 AM

    @Chinocudeiro got this--nice one!!!

  2. Kno Won Uno2:48 AM

    I love everything John Turturro does. He's an insanely underrated actor, in my opinion. Some of his indie performances are absolutely stellar.

  3. Love, love, LOVE kindness blinds.

  4. oogabooga7:40 AM

    Yay! I already loved him. Now I really really love him.

  5. Tasos8269:09 AM

    ...and yet another reason to admire this kind, gentlemanly professional, who is in a class all his own. Bravo, Turturro!
