Monday, June 29, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 24, 2007

This B list television actress on a network show was told be her doctor recently that anymore plastic surgery would leave her unable to perform many facial expressions. She is holding off until she decides whether being a great actress or looking 10 years younger is better. Well, she isn't that great of an actress, so might as well go for the looks I say.

Teri Hatcher


  1. TalksTooMuch2:53 AM

    I doubt very much Teri Hatcher harbours any delusions about her acting ability, and she hasn't had anything but a surprised quint for years

  2. ~~~♥♥Baby Doll♥♥~~~3:17 AM

    whats really sad is she thinks she looks good with all this surgery, she is kinda creepy looking...

  3. Oobejabbawonka3:19 AM

    A surprised quint? Is that a mixture of a squint and a quim? :P :D

  4. TalksTooMuch3:37 AM

    Whoops Wonka! I meant surprised Squint, not a child of five snuck up on

  5. @BabyDoll - YES. I think a lot of these women think it'll make them look younger/better but it just makes them look worse! It emphasizes the whole Im-older-trying-to-look-younger thing. It ruins them. I'm looking at you, Brandi Glanville.

  6. back again8:29 AM

    +1000 @ Baby Doll and @Raye-- don't they have real mirrors NOT purchased from the Funhouse FFS???
