Friday, June 26, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 13, 2007

French Riviera

This aging Academy Award winning A list actor invited five or six beauties to his boat every night where he would proceed to get drunk and regale them with stories about all the women he had slept with and how they had all thought he was the best lover ever. Our actor would then tell the assorted group of women that he wasn't going to have sex with them because he didn't want it to ruin it for them with others, but wanted them to dance for him, strip and then he would have each come over to where he was sitting and tell them he was Daddy and proceed to spank them. This would go on for two or three hours or until he passed out whichever came first. Our actor drank and spanked, and the women would leave at the end of the night tender but well rewarded.

Jack Nicholson


  1. sandybrook2:26 AM


  2. Jack has been such a dirty old man even longer than 8 years ago!

  3. Kno Won Uno2:35 AM

    What's up, did Nicholson die in the past 20 minutes?
    (I don't think this item is particularly scandalous, btw)

  4. Whywhywhy???2:36 AM

    before I even read this blind. I wondered where the hell Jack has been lately. I didn't realize he has so many children!

  5. MontanaMarriott2:41 AM

    U took the words right out of my head. I wonder if he is the answer to the BI about the star dealing with newly diagnosed Parkinson's/Alzheimer?

  6. leonardo dicaprio's future?

    I remember reading that article where jack basically said he was miserable, waking up at 1pm everyday and playing golf and being all wistful about not having a companion. whatever, dude. nothing more pathetic than an aged playboy.

  7. Bam, here's the article, I remember!

    ha I google 'jack nicholson waking up 1pm golf' haha.

  8. Chingers5:36 AM

    Tender is a gross word. Second only to moist.

  9. texasrose6:09 AM

    Sounds like everyone wins and not too disgusting either.

  10. Kno Won Uno6:23 AM

    @TexasRose - +1
    @Chingers - definitely applicable in this context. "Sore" might have been worse. (̿ಠ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿ಠ ̿)̄

  11. Not the image I wanted stuck in my head on a Friday night but nothing hard-core or scandolous.

  12. Don't you mean hookers, not beauties?

  13. Penelope 25:44 AM

    If they aren't hookers, then they are probably relieved they don't have to have to sleep with him. I love his "I'm sooo good that I won't have sex with you and ruin it for others" line, hahahaha! He didn't seem worried about that with the first 2000 women he slept with before growing man boobs, but now it's "Don't bother turning me down, ladies, I'm not offering anything anyway!" He may be hoping they'll beg him after hearing that he calls himself the best.

  14. Jelly9:26 AM

    The level of consciousness in this story is so low its slipped down to an animal level. I'd rather watch National Geographic.
