Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 28, 2015

This A list mostly movie actress who has turned to television despite her Academy Award winner/nominee status is currently hiding from her husband. Well, not exactly hiding because he knows where she is, but definitely not going out unless protected and in public places. I’m not sure why they don’t just get divorced. It will probably be even more messy than the end of her last relationship.

Halle Berry


  1. Khaleesi2:34 AM

    Didn't nail it! - Derek Harvey

  2. sandybrook2:35 AM

    Its not like examples havent been sent her way, but karma is karma.

  3. And-so-on..2:49 AM

    She wants him ruined, arrested, beaten and abused by cops or worse.. rubbed out and not paying enormous divorce fees or dealing with child custody.. Well he fell into her trap of beating the ex.. so he has a history of abusive behavior doesn't he?

  4. Kno Won Uno2:52 AM

    I'm convinced she manufactures drama. Not saying the partner is a wonderful person, just that either Halle is a drama magnet or she's partially responsible for the drama existing - and also loves to play victim. JUST MY OPINION.

  5. Whywhywhy???3:02 AM

    Agree, @Kno...too many partners/husbands have victimized her. I know she saw her dad abuse her mom but damn girl, you most def' can afford counseling. To quote Jamie Fox...Hallie be berry berry crazy.

  6. Malibuborebee6:44 AM

    You are correct, Kno, she manufactures drama, draws it to her life. She also chooses partners who are abusive and who cheat. Always.

    I think she has a personality disorder.
