Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 23, 2007

This female reality star and now part-time actress is really starting to get some attention. She has been involved with a guy ( C list, maybe even D film and tv actor) for years. She has always kept it hush hush in interviews but has never denied him when asked flat out. Over the past year they grew closer and closer and she was ready to take the next step. However, just when she was going to say yes, a female A-lister (tv and movies) got involved which caused the guy to have second thoughts and our star to believe she was being played. After the A-lister departed, our couple worked things out or so it seemed. Earlier this month, our reality star got engaged, but has kept it totally quiet because she is afraid our guy is not quite done with the A-lister and so doesn't want to look foolish if she makes a big deal about getting engaged and then have the guy show up in the tabs with the A-lister.

No one from any of the MTV shows.

Stacy Keibler/Geoffrey Stults/Jennifer Aniston


  1. sandybrook2:18 AM

    Is this before or after she got a Clooney contract? If so I think she made out ok and shes married with bebeh and Aniston is not.

  2. Kno Won Uno2:21 AM

    She should have stuck with him.

  3. Kno Won Uno2:22 AM

    Aniston wants children like I want an extra week in February.

  4. Andrea2:46 AM

    Aniston likes to be the dominant one in the relationships, she likes going for these younger lesser known male actors that will be dependent on her, and if they have a beautiful younger girlfriend it's even more of an ego boost.

  5. Aniston probably couldn't birth no babies at this stage even if she wanted to. She's 46.

  6. Wait. Aniston and this guy, whose been in a bunch of things but I remember from 7th Heaven, were together? Is that what this is saying?

  7. She seems to enjoy marking her territory and getting her scent all over everything within a five mile radius...like my old springer spaniel.

  8. thebutlerdidit8:08 PM

    Uhm, being single & dating a guy who is also unmarried isn't analogous to your dog in heat rubbing on your leg. If he had a secret commitment to Kiebler, he's the one who was the leg humper.

  9. UHM, marking her territory isn't analogous to a dog in heat "rubbing on your leg". Christ on a cross- where did that come from?
