Friday, June 26, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 17, 2007

This old man still has it. Charmed the hell out of a porn star and took her home.

Jack Nicholson/Jenna Jameson


  1. sandybrook2:11 AM

    Bitch did it for Jack's coke.

  2. Bit bafffled as to what "it" he has. This woman never saw his appeal either as a man or an actor. Saggy testicles are just ick.

  3. Kno Won Uno2:33 AM

    When he was younger (as in 1975), he was at least......intriguing. Now, not so much.

  4. When Jack was in his 40's back in the 80's, he still had a decent jump shot!
    (Back then, even us crew members "knew' we had to lose to the "Star.")

  5. Whywhywhy???2:42 AM

    All balls look/feel the same in the dark to quote a tv character but I could only handle a well rewarded spanking from an old dog. Problem is I ain't in my 20's....

  6. texasrose6:10 AM

    Apparently he was ok with ruining and future sex for her if next reveal is accurate.

  7. It's difficult to charm a porn star. I did not know that.

  8. Big Al11:14 PM

    Like phucing a pail of water
