Friday, June 26, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 7, 2007

This one is kind of common knowledge, but thought you might get a kick out of guessing. This aging film actress from a very famous family and in a very famous entertainment case was at a party once. In front of her was what she guessed was a small bowl of sugar. She scooped out most of it and placed it in her coffee cup. Turns out it wasn't sugar, but instead was a bowl of cocaine worth about a thousand dollars. The hostess was not pleased and the actress was never invited back.

Shirley MacLaine


  1. Kno Won Uno1:22 AM

    Hee hee! I'm anti-hostess on this one.

  2. Deborah Kizziah1:41 AM

    Nothing like a little Coke to go with your morning coffee. It's the real thing.

  3. rocky1:44 AM

    Well damn....who leaves out party favors in front of guests you don't know parties?

    I ain't mad at Shirley

  4. Kno Won Uno1:45 AM

    "I'd like the world to buy some coke"
    -Pablo Escobar

  5. Shirley MacLaine is a great actress and most likely knew it was coke and filled her cup up anyway while "acting" like she didn't know what it was. Cocaine and sugar don't even look similar.

  6. Whywhywhy???2:58 AM

    Guess she used one of those famous many lives when she had a heart attack after all that coke. Powdered sugar looks like coke? I haven't seen either in so long, can't remember.

  7. AndrewBW3:08 AM

    Even if she really thought it was sugar, how much sugar is she putting in her coffee anyway? A whole bowl?

  8. texasrose6:19 AM

    Probably a few exaggerations in this blind. She probably put a couple of heaping spoonfuls in her coffee which might have bogarted the bowl or just been disproportionate to what would be needed.

  9. Kno Won Uno6:26 AM

    Not only that, but what kind of party would Shirley MacLain be attending where $1000 worth of anything would be significant?

  10. Klipper3:38 PM

    Literally the world's best cup of coffee.

  11. Penelope 25:47 AM

    Who puts coke out in sugar bowls? And if you could get her to a party, you'd give her more than $1,000 of coke. The host was probably disappointed he didn't get her high and it was wasted, and she may have never wanted to go back.
