Sunday, June 21, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 23, 2015


This former franchise B lister who recently got married made a huge scene while checking out of her hotel with her actor husband yesterday. Apparently he had a small spot on his shirt. She freaked out at him and said there were going to be paps at the airport and that he needed to look good for the photos. She went on about how she spent hours preparing so she would look good and she expected the same from him. They went back inside so he could change and came out ten minutes later. The guy should just run now.

Nikki Reed/Ian Somerhalder


  1. Kestrel5:42 AM

    One has to wonder why he married her... basic, not very smart & also a bitch...

  2. I remember the pics from the airport, if she spent hours preparing, she should have looked better.

    Run Ian, run. You can tell she has an unpleasant personality, her face always has this pinched sour expression and her smile never reaches her eyes.

  3. And-so-on..5:55 AM

    Maybe he likes the hovering mommy type..

  4. Malibuborebee7:03 AM

    I'm still not entirely sure who either of these people are, although they're regularly in blinds.

    Is she the one who keeps fucking guys for parts and then doesn't get the parts?

  5. BigBlue10:23 AM

    My go-to hunch in these cases is that she must be phenomenal in bed, although I also suspect she calls out her own name when she climaxes...

  6. TheCousinEddy3:00 PM

    If she's that vain about a small spot, she needs to buy and carry a Tide stain pen.

  7. Groaning10:41 AM

    Hours?! Maybe next time she should try days. I saw the pap picture of them at the airport and holy hell, the girl needs a face transplant.

  8. Ehehewell9:48 PM

    Come on, it's not her fault she isn't that pretty even after several surgeries (just check out the nose & face she used to have when she was 16 by looking at an old candid photo of her and you won't need further proof) and he is so freaking gorgeous he looks good even when he is tired and unshaven.
    But her styling game suck square balls. I saw the pap pics. She has no hairstyle to speak of, she has super basic makeup and ordinary clothes. If she looks like that after spending hours getting ready, I shudder to imagine what she looks like when she is in a hurry.
