Thursday, June 25, 2015

Blind Item #6

This A- list mostly movie actor was recently injured on the set of his movie. No one is talking much about it because they want it to blow over but the actor was wasted when he got injured. It's what you get when you hire him.


  1. Tricia131:00 AM

    Shia LaBoeuf

  2. Derek Harvey1:00 AM

    shia lebouf

  3. how is this a blind item? it was reported like yesteday how shia was injured.

  4. Kno Won Uno1:08 AM

    Um...he had a scalp laceration, which TMZ characterized as a "massive head injury" and claimed he was hospitalized. I LOL'd. He went to the ER, got some stitches, left - shit happens.
    "..Shia received stitches on his hand and for a laceration on his head. He is due back on set [Thursday]. "
    Everyone is talking about it. EVERYONE.
    I hope this isn't about Depp's arm.

  5. CreCre1:49 AM

    I don't think it's Johnny because I'd think he's more than A-

  6. And-so-on..5:11 AM

    Lest we forget his greatest moment of pure best actor's talented commitment to the job set before him...

  7. Malibuborebee6:55 AM

    I thought it was Harrison Ford for a second but he's permanent A+, even now.

    I didn't know that Ladouche hurt himself. It's probably him.

  8. I didn't hear about Shia either. Meh. Hire a drunk, get a drunk.

    Re: Johnny, he's probably still A but there's no way he's A+ anymore. I can see him slipping to A- before too much longer...
