Thursday, June 11, 2015

Blind Item #6

Apparently he must not be worried about his meal ticket leaving him because the husband of this A list mostly television actress from a hit network comedy that just does not seem as good this season has been seeing someone on the side. He thinks he is being discreet, but the paps are on to his game. Just trying to get him in public doing something he has been keeping indoors for now.


  1. Tricia131:01 AM

    Kaley cuoco/Ryan sweeting

  2. Derek Harvey1:01 AM

    julie bowen

  3. Sounds right.

  4. back again1:22 AM

    +1 @Tricia.....aarrrgghhh !!! this Blind Item JUST came up!

    "Someday I'll watch my 'site' as it comes in..."

  5. Tricia131:33 AM

    lol. I know.....

  6. Julie Bowen's husband is a very wealthy man from a very wealthy family. He doesn't need a meal ticket.

  7. Emily2:12 AM

    Kaley was better off sticking with her fake relationship with Henry Cavill. At least he was really nice to look out!

  8. Kno Won Uno2:33 AM

    Yeah. Young women don't always understand how valuable they are in the romance marketplace -not just financially. It's sad to watch women sell themselves short, which includes settling for someone not quite right for them and subsequently putting up with shitty behavior, just so they have someone to come home to.

  9. We don't know how Kaley feels about it. Most in Hollywood don't really seem to take fidelity all that seriously or expect it. She might be the same, and if so it won't really matter that there's a piece on the side.
