Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Blind Item #6

When this A list mostly television actor turned probably a B+ list mostly movie actor since his show recently ended went to rehab he ended up not just hooking up with someone, but apparently developing something more serious. She was in rehab longer than our actor and since she got out, they have been seeing each other as often as possible. His girlfriend is not happy. She thought she was going to get her boyfriend back and how he used to be.


  1. Tricia131:00 AM

    Jon hamm

  2. Kno Won Uno1:12 AM

    Yep yep

  3. back again1:34 AM

    Weeeelllll, Actually Jen Westfeldt DID "get her boyfriend back and how he used to be." because he's ALWAYS been a mysogynistic,cruel,bullying,cheating,cocky louse!!!
    --{ }

  4. And-so-on..6:20 AM

    yeah.. he's rehabbed, rich and bankable.. but hey.. no.. without the rival luggage..

  5. Lila Fowler7:59 AM

    Jon Hamm seems to have always been a selfish drunk so I'm not sure what Jennifer thought she was getting back. That woman needs to love herself and find a new man.

  6. Girlfriend needs some Al-Anon. It's just a dick, honey. They all have them.
