Monday, June 29, 2015

Blind Item #3

Dear Quentin Tarantino,

I found someone for you to hang out with soon. The celebrity offspring of an A list couple who has done some acting himself was at a party this weekend and kept asking women if he could touch their feet. If they said yes, he would sit down on the floor and rub them for a bit before moving on to the next person.



  1. Tricia1312:01 AM

    Jaden smith

  2. Derek Harvey12:02 AM

    patrick schwarzinager

  3. Frufra12:08 AM

    I immediately thought of that weirdy Chet Haze, but I don't think he's done any acting. He's more of a rapper (hahahaha), right?

  4. Frufra12:14 AM

    IMDB'ed Chet, and he has acted. And he's got a role in the upcoming Fantastic Four movie. And he says he goes by Chet Hanx now. Good luck with that, dude.

  5. Khaleesi12:15 AM

    That weird Smith kid

  6. And-so-on..12:20 AM

    Jaden exploring potential quantam mechanics link.. no solid match yet..

  7. Derek Harvey12:27 AM

    I am pretty sure Jaden is gay

  8. Brute1:04 AM

    Having a foot fetish for girls (if this is the case) does not mean you have to be straight Derek. Im gay and I am obsessed with women's hands and knees. Im not sexually enticed, I just have a strong like for those body parts. So the gay argument for Jaden Smith falls a bit flat.

  9. Whywhywhy???1:48 AM

    I am pretty sure Jaden is that weird kid we all knew in elementary and high school Being gay is quite normal which if he is, is the only normal thing about him. When you see them 20 years later at a reunion, you still get spooked. He is also rude, something I generally detest.

  10. readysetgo4:22 AM


  11. texasrose5:41 AM

    It's all part of his self education process.

  12. texasrose5:42 AM

    He may be trying to teach himself to be a podiatrist.

  13. Riven7:15 AM

    @TexasRose can't stop laughing...

  14. back again9:12 AM

    @texasrose-really good...

  15. back again9:14 AM

    i guess i'm the only one who doesn't have a problem with Jaden Smith..didn't know he was 'rude' though.If true,i'd have a problem with that.
