Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Blind Item #3

When his last attempt at a relationship with a woman ended because she found someone she actually wanted to be with, this foreign born B list actor who made his fame in a hit pay cable show thought he found someone new. A lot of press just like his last two day relationship but nothing of substance. It is just his PR team throwing out names and hoping one of the women will accept the offer.


  1. Tricia1312:02 AM

    Alexander Skarrrsgard

  2. Violet12:05 AM

    Henry Cavill

  3. And-so-on..12:18 AM

    Wanna date an abandoned dumpster for a while chick!? The pay is good..
    Nope.. bug off jerk.

  4. Wendy3:26 AM

    Skarsgard and Alexa Chung just went public....

  5. tenerife4:06 AM

    I think this is skarsgard. damn that last name is not easy to spell from memory. There's something up with cavill but I dont know what it is. I cant imagine him not topping at some point. his face/body was MADE for gay porn fantasies.

  6. CreCre3:15 PM

    Not Cavill. He wasn't made famous from Tudors and enty would call him A list superhero b list everywhere else.
