Sunday, June 07, 2015

Blind Item #1

I have to give this B+ list mostly movie actor who appeared in several of the largest box office hits in history before taking a lap through cable television. The actor was confronted by a drunk guy at a club out of the country and was called the f word. Repeatedly. Our actor was kind of trapped in a corner but managed to talk his way out of it even as the guy got more aggressive.


  1. Tricia1311:34 PM

    Elijah wood

  2. sandybrook11:37 PM

    Steve Buscemi?

  3. Kno Won Uno11:50 PM

    I can't help myself - have to give him what?

  4. BigBlue2:49 AM

    I'd like to think that Enty meant "an atomic wedgie." At least the visual with that is worth the fill-in effort...

  5. Groaning3:33 AM

    Orlando Bloom?

  6. I heard from a friend this was Elijah, yeah. Sad because Elijah is one of the nicest people ever and would never provoke a fight

  7. Drunks are so stupid. When Kevin Sorbo was doing Hercules, some guy tried to start a fight with him, "Think you're so big and strong huh."

    Keven said, "Hey, it's a TV show, not real," or words to that effect.
