Monday, May 18, 2015

Today's Blind Items - The Switch

There is something very interesting going on behind the scenes in Cannes. It seems that this A+list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee is on the outs with this A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee. From "lifelong friends" things have quickly changed. It seems that our actress has finally ticked off her bff director to the point where he is willing to let her go. Our actor, who had some favors he needed to fulfill has offered the director a recent co-star  who is also a talented actress. The actress though will not agree to have sex and be the "muse" of the director. No problem. Our actor has offered up his girlfriend to be that person. She is more than willing and as a bonus is going to get a lot of acting credits she would never have received otherwise. Smaller roles, but in important movies. Everyone is happy except the A+list actress who has no idea she has been replaced. With that will also probably be any future chances at Academy Award wins/nominations because no one can really stand to work with her in those kind of roles except the director.


  1. sandybrook3:14 AM

    BCoop and his new beard for two parts

  2. I have no idea who this is - but it's a juicy lil' tid bit!
    Come on cdaner's ...get those guesses in. [=

  3. sandybrook3:15 AM

    Beard= Irina Shayk

  4. Sadie3:15 AM

    Enty, this one makes NO sense. There aren't that many A+ list Oscar winning/nominated actors and actresses out there and none of them fit the bill (particularly with a connection to this year's Cannes).

  5. I was also thinking Cooper with JLaw, David O. Russell, Emma Stone/Rachel McAdams, Irina Shayk.

  6. Who is the A+ actress who is being replaced?
    Who is the new costar who won't sleep w/ the director and be his muse?

    Wtf kind of world do we live in where Bradley Cooper 1) is A list and 2) can demand favors. UNGH.

  7. sandybrook3:18 AM

    Julia Roberts for the replaced actress

  8. Tricia133:18 AM

    Julia Roberts/George Clooney and...

  9. CrashDiego3:20 AM


  10. Tricia133:20 AM

    The Movie is Money Monster

  11. slim shady3:21 AM

    Bradley Cooper
    Jennifer Lawrence
    David O Russell
    Sienna Miller
    The Model girlfriend

  12. slim shady3:22 AM

    I hate when you can't see the comments...

  13. Tricia133:24 AM

    Britt Robertson/Tommorrowland(recent costar) ?

  14. keith3:26 AM

    JLaw and BCoop as the actors. David O. Russell as the director. Suki as the other actress (Irina Shaik is a model).

  15. Joan Rivers did say, JLaw F**ked to get her Oscar!
    I suppose Bradley is doing the same, too!

  16. keith1333:27 AM

    bradley cooper/jennifer lawrence/david o russell/emma stone(aloha)/irina shayk

  17. kpist3:28 AM

    Uma Thurman as the a list actress, Tarantino for the director. Still thinking on the replacement, maybe Emma Stone

  18. keith1333:30 AM

    bradley recently co starred with emma stone in aloha

  19. kpist3:31 AM

    I recant, I like the BCoop/Jlaw/O'Russel/shayk guess

  20. JayJay3:32 AM

    In what kind of world do we live in where he's not A list? American Sniper, The Hangover franchise, does the voice of Rocket in Guardians of the Galaxy, multiple Oscar nominations. I sure as shit don't like him, but if all that doesn't make him A+ then no one in the business is A+.

  21. JayJay3:33 AM

    Amal is a girlfriend? Not wife? Does she have a part in Money Monster?

  22. Fred843:36 AM

    What a mess! I'm getting a Bradley Cooper/ Jennifer Lawrence/ David O Russell vibe here.

  23. cebii3:39 AM

    JLaw/Cooper/Russell fits, but I've never heard anyone say she's hard to work with.
    The Money Maker is in the middle of filming, kind of late to pull Julia Roberts off. And there's been a lot of press showing Julia filming with Jodie Foster. I don't think Jodie is A+ enough to replace Julia in the middle of a movie and replace her with someone who isn't A+.

  24. Sbreezy293:43 AM

    @Kpist I'm thinking exactly what u are...Actress could be McAdams also!

  25. Kno Won Uno3:57 AM

    But how many people do that? That was my only criticism. If you're going to out one, out 'em all.

  26. Kno Won Uno3:57 AM

    I'm so confused by this item, I'll have to draw a chart.

  27. alice4:18 AM

    Everybody is guessing BCoop/Jlaw and D. ORussell but in what world is JLaw dating ORussell? The BI says boyfriend, not fling or fuck piece, or nothing like that. It’s NOT them.
    Wich A list actress with a director boyfriend were at Cannes? that’s the key...

  28. whocares4:20 AM

    Woody Allen often calls his favorite actresses his muse. So Woody and Diane Keaton are in there some where.

  29. Riven4:27 AM

    Alice, I think most of us are not reading this as a public relationship, but rather the casting-couch game. J-Law isn't DOR's girlfriend but his go-to-fuck for roles girl.

  30. Riven4:31 AM

    My last post really applies to any of the guesses.

    Actor + Actress are friends

    Actress also has a 'BFF' director who casts her because she sleeps with him

    Actress has annoyed director and (unknown to her) lost her standing as his go-to girl

    Actor offered up his recent costar as a new "muse" for the director but she wouldn't sleep with the director

    But actors girlfriend will, so now actors girlfriend will start getting parts

    Actress has no clue get friend basically pulled her director into his pocket

  31. It says her "bff director", not "bf director".

  32. JayJay4:37 AM

    No, it says "bff" not "bf." The director & actress aren't dating.

  33. The only other director who has called his flavor of the week his muse is Tarantino

  34. Princess Kate4:46 AM

    J.Law and O'Russell were the popular guesses for director who has cameras in his leading lady's trailer in order to watch her change, and that she knew and was okay with it.

  35. Bradley Cooper as A+ actor, Jennifer Lawrence as A+ actress on the outs with him and BFF director is David. O Russell. Suki Waterhouse not agreeing to be the muse and have sex with him. Other one offered up is Irina that will get small parts which is great because HAS ANYONE HEARD HER SPEAK? she can't speak english very well and her voice is....well lets just say it is a contrast to her gorgeousness. yikes.

  36. Jules5:41 AM

    Oh for crying out loud!...whenever it is a BI of this nature, you automatically guess Jennifer that how you reconcile her success??. Of course, a talented young actress with an incredible amount of success surely slept her way to the It's so misogynistic.

    Christ Almighty...anyway, read the BI again folks..."life long" friends (Cooper and Lawrence have known each other for 3 years and life long implies ALL THEIR LIVES or at least 15 to 20 years ie., a long time).

    Moving on to Bff director is ready to let her go...meaning a film that is in production, or about to start production.

    JOY wrapped in April and Lawrence doesn't have any other project lined up with Russell and that film is already receiving Oscar buzz and Lawrence has It's What I DO lined up with Steven Spielberg which has Oscar bait written all over it.

    No more chances at Oscar??...lastly, the no one can stand to work with her on those films except the director?...nope, because Lawrence has one of the best reps in Hollywood.

    The last time we saw photos of Lawrence and Cooper, they were exiting the same Hotel with Cooper carrying her dog and before that, laughing it up at the Serena Premier...there'll falling out for Christ same.

    The BI does not refer to Lawrence, Cooper and Russell.

  37. Jules5:49 AM

    It is also worth noting that Enty, is as unreliable as they come.

    Enty purposely writes BI's that seem to point in one direction but at the same time are confusing and oh yeah, more often than not, MADE UP.

  38. And the cleaners have arrived! I wonder if this site navigation works better for them than it does for me

  39. Dudette7:19 AM

    Jennifer Lawrence

  40. keith1337:42 AM


  41. IrishGirl9:20 AM

    How is it Jennifer Lawrence?. It's not Jennifer Lawrence. Lifelong friends means that they have known each other all their lives and Cooper and Lawrence have only known one another for a short time, since 2012. It sounds more like another fake Blind Item that Enty fabricated. Neither Russell nor Cooper are in Cannes right now anyway!. (LOL!). So enty made this up himself at the behest of a rival actress who is jealous of Jennifer Lawrence. Now, that seems more likely.

  42. KevinA.10:15 AM

    Could actress #1 be Diane Keaton? If it is JL, then actress 2 is either Stone or Miller.

  43. Not Jennifer Lawrence, Cooper or Russell. Read the says:

    Lifelong friends which means they grew up together.

    Willing to let her go: From what?. Joy was wrapped in April and there is already Oscar buzz.

    Nobody wants to work with her on these films but the director: Jennifer Lawrence has the best on set reputation around and no made up nd from entry will get anyone to believe otherwise.

    I believe this blind if real which it probably isn't is about an older director and an actress that he has known for years. Allen/Keaton.

    Logically not Lawrence/Cooper/Russell due to the fact that Cooper nor Russell is in Cannes and Lifelong friends and especially, no one wants to work with the actress on these films except the director. This is especially incorrect, hilarious.

  44. Also.....Bradley Cooper has never won an Oscar.

  45. keith1335:30 PM


  46. keith1335:38 PM

    when enty says winner/nominee it means winner or nominee he does it in all hid BI,s

  47. keith1335:40 PM

    i think enty is saying that they have said they will be "lifelong friends" not that they have been

  48. The shooting of Money Monster is already finished.

  49. cebii3:56 AM

    No one has ever dissed JLaw's work ethic or her personality. She's been on indie film radar since she did The Poker House with Lori Petty when she was, like, 16. Every director she's worked with has said that she's completely professional and one of the most naturally gifted actors of her generation. Now she's rich, and after this last XMen and Hunger Games installment, she can do only the films she wants.

  50. French girl9:50 AM

    Neither Cooper nor DOR nor Lawrence are in Cannes this year so I don't see the relation with Cooper/ Lawrence/DOR and Cannes.
    If DOR stops to work with JL,it's because she again refuses to work with him because of his erratic manic behavior on set
