Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Today's Blind Items- It's Getting Out Of Hand

It has been bad since late summer last year. It has been getting much worse though over the past couple of months. Our actor, foreign born and still an A- lister but he needs something because that franchise that made him famous is fading further into the past. The drug use is out of control. Back in the day he was just a guy who stayed home and got quietly drunk with some friends while he played the guitar. He got drunk frequently but it was very low key. Fast forward a few years and a new friend in his life. The next thing you know our actor is doing drugs. Each month that has passed since last summer it seems as if his new celebrity friend has encouraged him to try more and more drugs. He has got to the point now that despite his fame, he is using drugs openly in clubs. People hand him drugs and he takes them. He is really careless and it is going to cost him. The celebrity friend is no friend. She uses him. When she needs something she says the right things and he keeps running but for the most part she likes to do her thing and wants him to stay as far away while she is doing her thing. Multiple times this past week she told him which clubs she was going to and specifically told him not to go to them. Instead he hung out with his very loyal friends. The problem is they also never say no to him and are in no position to help him get off drugs. This is not like a hey I can stop when I want thing. This is getting to the point, especially with the way he likes his booze that it might be a turn up dead thing.


  1. Kno Won Uno3:12 AM


  2. Derek Harvey3:13 AM

    Robert Pattinson

  3. sandybrook3:14 AM

    FKA Twigs doesn't like the way people are talking about her Enty. I think she has YOU specifically in mind as well as the loser Twihards.

  4. Sadie3:16 AM

    Pattinson fits.

  5. Derek Harvey3:16 AM

    FKA Twigs ia his partner/gf/fiance?
    Could the friend be Katy Perry

  6. Kno Won Uno3:17 AM

    Although I don't actually believe it, it just fits him.

  7. Maybe the celebrity friend is Tom Sturridge - he's got a bit of a junkie look to him. And don't forget that shiner Sienna Miller had earlier this year...maybe it was from a drug-fueled argument. Or maybe I need to lay off the tabloids.

  8. Kno Won Uno4:04 AM

    LOL! Just this morning I was thinking "this is all total bullshit put out by mean girl celebs"
    Entertaining, though.

  9. Yoko No Ono4:30 AM

    Depp crossed my mind. He's been acting weird lately.

  10. Yoko No Ono4:32 AM

    i forgot the foreign born part. my bad.

  11. Erika4:46 AM

    Kstew fans on Twitter basically admitted that they send druggie blinds to ENTY and BlindGossip to make both Rob & Twigs look bad. So, yeah. I don't believe this.

  12. Dave S.4:48 AM

    Let me throw in Kiefer Sutherland--born abroad, 24 fading into the past, definitely a history of being a drunk, AND he's a guitar player. The one thing that doesn't quite fit there: he wasn't exactly "low-key."

  13. And-so-on..4:54 AM

    He needs a proper English house with a shed, garden, lawn that he can tend to.. maybe a dog and hiking buddy.. that's all.

  14. I think Enty is purposely calling her "friend" to muddy the waters.

  15. Enty has become liar nowadays. Wasn't expecting this from you, Enty.
    I read so many blind items which you posted about Rob. always making him and his girlfriend look bad.
    why haven't you ever put a blind item about K Screw being bi, she and her girlfriend are the one who smoke pot, do all kinds of drugs. there are pics from Coachella where they were shown getting high. have noticed KScrew's eyes?? can't you make out she's the one hard drugs?
    Really, Enty...

  16. Id believe this to be Pattinson if he wasn't working so much. He seems very. very busy according to imdb etc. and is appears to be enjoying doing lower key work. I'm sure he does cocaine at parties now and again like all the rest of 'em, but if he were quite dependent I doubt these directors would still hire him.

  17. D-Nice9:53 PM

    Oh please! Ole dude has been losing jobs left and right. The only regular job he has these days is that of a groupie and being a regular at gay clubs. When there are photos of someone passing him a substance in the club, in plain sight, you know he has a serious problem.

  18. That's so obviously Robert Pattinson. He's been a mess for months and his projects keep being pushed back or cancelled. And it's not secret he's into hard drugs.. Shame really.

  19. Where are the photos you are talking about? Do they actually exist? I don't follow this actor.

  20. justme12:15 AM

    There were pictures all over twitter on Monday and Tuesday of RP getting drugs passed to him and taking them while at his GFs concert in NYC on Sunday night. His eyes have been dilated for months even in bright lights, and he's only been on set for a week or two this past year or more, so this totally sounds like him.

  21. I'm not buying Pattinson for this. Since when has twigs been going to lots of clubs *without* him? They either go together or they're at home.

    And when they were in LA, they went to a comedy club, but that was it for nightlife.

  22. andro1:19 AM

    Rally?? I can't believe you are buying that crap FROM KScrew fans! Really? It's funny that the only people who tweets and started all the drug crap are KFANS! according to them rob was high at the metball and every event he attended but what's funny is that all the people WHO WERE THERE none of the tweeted something about rob and what they say was that he was really nice and was having a great time with his GF but KFans as soon as We got pics started saying he was high and all this bullshit so who are We going to believe?.celebs and people who has been in the same place as rob or crazy people and teens sitting in front a computer that can't let go of the past and the twilight thing? Think about it... And almost forget THERE ARE TONS OF PICS OF KSTEW SMOKING POT AT HER PLACE AND IN PUBLIC THERE ARE PICS OF HER AND HER JOBLESS GIRLFRIEND BUT THERE IS NO COMMENT ABOUT THAT FROM HER FANS! Why they make stupid accounts to tweet about something they Only see and no tweet about her idol doing drugs? Oh yeah they pretend Kscrew is an angel an not a drug addict and homewrecker

  23. Rob is that you?!?! NYC really suits him and his "friend". LA doesn't hold gay entertainment they enjoy. LA bars and clubs close at 2 am and these two party it up until 6 am. I can see why they are still together. This girl enjoys the partying as much as him.

  24. andro1:53 AM

    And I'm not saying this blind ítem is about rob because it's not but my comment was to all the k fans who are gonna write about rob

  25. Who cares about pot. This is supposed to be hard drugs, right? And are the pictures incriminating?

  26. Carly2:26 AM

    I think it is meant to be Robert Pattinson. My only hesitation is that Enty calls him an A-lister. Surely that boat has sailed. If it didn't have foreign born, I would think Efron, but I don't know if his girlfriend would be considered a celebrity and I really don't know if he hangs with celebrity friends.

    For the Pattinson fans, chill. Enty has a tip line. Of course most of the blinds are either made up or obvious photo assumptions. That is why they are so easy to solve. You don't see Efron fans acting like the blinds are going to ruin his career.

  27. Melissa6:49 AM

    This sounds like Rob Pattinson.
    Such a good guy with great talent! Very handsome.
    Lately he's just going downhill. I keep seeing that he has been casted in movies, and later it is announced he's not going to be in them. That may not 100% be his fault, but still!
    He's been going to a lot of gay clubs.
    He's been going to his girlfriend's concerts a lot. That is fine, but it seems like that's all he is doing. He's turning into a roadie!
    Seems he is hanging out with some not so good people. Not classy!
    I saw a photo of him at Cannes 2014 and one just yesterday. He looks thinner, his hair is greasy, his skin is blotchy with oil, his eyes look like he hasn't slept in days, and he appears to be in a daze.
    When I would hear his name people would always say good things about them, and now people just laugh. His name was brought up on the talk show the other day and people just snickered. He's going from A list to D list!
    I hope that whatever is going on is fixed soon.
    He's a very good guy, and I would love to see him in upcoming movies.
    A lot of his fans are saying that he looks wonderful. Be real fans people he is not looking good. Support him and getting help! I wish him all the best!

  28. SoundsLike6:53 AM

    Robert Pattinson!

  29. Robert pattinson

  30. It is so Robert Pattinson. He hasn't been Alist in a while. When you get called out by Wendy Williams and TMZ you barely holding on to Dlist.

  31. This is a copy of what say the anti-fans that came since Pattinson is dating Fka. Total bullshit

  32. Tracygee_9:06 PM

    It's Rob Pattinson, I knew it! I love him!

  33. While this is probably not true, Rob had been hanging out with a wild group, Michelle R., Misha B., Zac. E. and Al Turki. That's when the rumors started.

  34. lol, Melissa. Writing an entire essay while trying to pretend you don't follow everything he does kind of gives you away as someone with a LOT invested in this narrative.

    Enty has had Rob on the verge of death for literally 3 years now, and...nothing. No secret rehab stays, no shocking pics, no sightings of him being a mess in public.

    Also, hey, remember when Enty assured everyone that the engagement rumors were totally untrue? Yeah, he's got a GREAT Pattinson connection. Clearly.
