Friday, May 01, 2015

Mr. X Blind Item #2

What foreign born '60s heartthrob is contemplating on coming out of the closet after many years experimenting with his sexuality and saying some homophobic statements in the past? He's been living with another man for the last decade, but the only reason he's hesitating is that he's afraid his conservative friends will shun him


  1. Derek Harvey1:46 AM

    Sean Connery

  2. Tricia131:46 AM

    Tom Jones

  3. Kno Won Uno1:48 AM

    Peter Noone

  4. Kno Won Uno1:52 AM

    I never thought of him as a heart throb. He didn't appear in TigerBeat and whatnot.
    I'd have said Davy Jones, but he's dead.
    My personal fave was Bobby Sherman, but he was born in California.

  5. Derek Harvey1:55 AM

    Just say it---he is UGLY hahaha

  6. Kno Won Uno1:58 AM

    Bobby? Not when I was 12. ;-)

  7. Tricia132:01 AM

    Women threw their undergarments on stage for tom Jones. Probably still do. He was a sex doesn't say teen heartthrob...he or Englebert Humperdinck , I think of.( Moms faves)

  8. Kno Won Uno2:04 AM

    Yes, I remember. To me, hearth throb indicates a younger market.

  9. Kno Won Uno2:08 AM

    Having lived through the 1960s, the best analogy I can come up with is that Tom Jones was to heart throb as Buble is to Bieber.

  10. sandybrook2:08 AM

    Engelbert Humperdinck always gave me that vibe. I know he's been married a long time too.

  11. Tricia132:10 AM

    Heartthrob can simply mean one who is " an object of desire"/ and he was that .

  12. Tricia132:12 AM

    He was my other guess sandy. Lol. I grew up listening to him , actually, think I saw him in concert!

  13. Tricia132:15 AM
    He insured his chest hair lmao

  14. sandybrook2:18 AM

    Did you throw him your bra or your panties?? :D

  15. Tricia132:20 AM

    I was like 6/7 wacko!! Not sure about mom?..* jokes*

  16. Marcus19782:21 AM

    Cliff Richard

  17. Tricia132:27 AM

    Yep both have....(beards mebbe). But I don't believe EH ever made homophobic slurs. Jones has , sadly.

  18. UsuallyLurking2:28 AM

    Englebert. I know someone who was a limo driver for a while several years ago & drove him & his boyfriend around NY. It's Englebert.

  19. UsuallyLurking2:32 AM

    and everytime I hear his name I start saying "Humperdinck Humperdinck Hump-er-dinck" like Carol Kane in the Princess Bridge LOL

  20. sandybrook2:35 AM

    Cliff Richard has enough trouble with the Jimmy Saville pedo scandal right now

  21. Sprout3:30 AM

    I'm gonna go with Pat Boone.

  22. Groaning4:01 AM

    Whoever it is should come out, if his conservative friends shun him, then they were never really his friends, and just hung out with him because he was famous.

    He would be better off without such toxic people and focus on being happy, especially if he's old and has few years left to enjoy his honey bunny.

  23. Tricia134:04 AM

    Pat Boone was born in Florida.

  24. JayJay4:33 AM

    Pat's not foreign born.

  25. sunnyflgrl4:39 AM

    I'd go with Cliff Richard..... I mean as a guess to the BI....

  26. PixieStix4:49 AM

    Jut to stir the pot - Cat Stevens.

  27. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob5:32 AM

    If cat stevens (some muslim name today) is gay, the shunning would mean stoning, and not the Colorado way.

    Tom Jones deflowered Elvira, and she said he had an enormous dong which took her to hospital bleeding, but he doesn't give me the vibe of conservative, being son of a miner, the most far leftist dudes in the UK except actors/singers.

  28. So Engelbert Humps a dick then? ;)

  29. Frankly7:58 AM

    My first guess was Cliff Richard, but I think he's too nice to make homophobic comments??

  30. Ginger9:05 AM

    No idea who this is but they aren't really your friends if they would turn their back on you for being who you are.

  31. Tom Jones

  32. Emeraldcity9:05 AM

    Cliff was actively 'gay' during the 60's he used to go cruising around London in his baby blue Rolls Royce, but when he hit his 30's no one ever heard about his private life, apart from him being a very vocal 'christian'. This might be him but his 'gayness' has never really been a secret to fans, just not in your face.

  33. Englebert did Eurovision coupla year back; there are not many things more gay than that. Cliff Richard lives with a priest (for knocking on a decade) but has Yewtree round more than once - so I'd posit more likely to arrested for sex offences than come out.

  34. barry manilow
