Thursday, May 28, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 24, 2015

This reality couple who keep trying to stay relevant and on the air were only posing with products at swag lounges that would give them money. It didn’t matter if it was $200, they just wanted money unless it was something they could easily resell.

Heidi Montag/Spencer Pratt


  1. Kno Won Uno3:38 AM

    I will pose with products for half that.

  2. AndrewBW3:40 AM

    I suppose it's a credit to them that they're still together. I suppose.

  3. And-so-on..3:40 AM

    Yeah.. just give me the free stuff and I am good for gift giving this year, my family and friends have no taste at all.. hah hah

  4. TheDude784:16 AM

    Strangely, I was thinking the same. Surely she could have dumped him to go dig for gold, some wealthy, sad dude (s) would've bit.

  5. just4fun10:47 AM

    I never watched their show but there is something almost sad about two people who are relatively young yet seem to have no marketable skills and who apparently thought their 15 minutes of fame meant they were talented and was something they could live forever on. Attn: Jersey Shore Guidos - pay attention; reality sucks (on many levels).

  6. Sydney5:54 PM

    This is heartbreaking.

  7. Spencer is the kind of guy who makessure has the control of his meal ticket.
