Thursday, May 07, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 9, 2015

This A list comic actor cheated on his wife and he is now cheating on his girlfriend. Oh, wait he cheated on her before too. Hey, at least he is funny.

Chris Rock


  1. Betty3:01 AM

    There is no champagne in the champagne room. Or so I hear.

  2. AndrewBW3:19 AM

    Somebody must find Chris Rock funny because I sure don't. But then I don't find most comedians funny.

  3. the guy made a movie titled Why Did I Get Married. this isn't a shocker. chris rock's main schtick is saying his standup up content while angry. Wow, how original. Oh by the way it's not 2005 anymore, my relatives under 21 are like, who is that??
