Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 6, 2015

The family of this A- list mostly movie comic actor staged an intervention because his drug and booze use is out of control and they think he is going to kill himself if he doesn’t get help. Even though he is young, his health has been steadily declining this year and he gained about 50 pounds.

Jonah Hill


  1. Kno Won Uno2:44 AM

    I saw a pic of him from Friday (May 8) and he's carrying a beer and an empty fast food container. Has he given up anything?

  2. sandybrook2:50 AM

    There hasn't been a period of time this year that I haven't seen paps of this slob. He hasn't gone away for shite.

  3. Derek Harvey2:51 AM

    cant stand him

  4. And-so-on..2:58 AM

    Um, hope? Perhaps life on earth is not so good for him.

  5. Megley2:59 AM

    Just any chance at a normal life.

  6. Riven3:01 AM

    I'm honestly surprised he hasn't had a heart attack, if he does as much coke as blinds reveal. He's the new Chris Penn or Farley. It'd be sad but he's such a bastard it's not.

  7. Yeah meth and junk food and hooker is never a good idea..

  8. From the outside looking in, Jonah must be suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder. His excessiveness at food and alcohol are indications of self medicating.
    Being Bipolar is a part of this disorder. He truly needs help/therapy.

  9. Riven3:25 AM

    It could be just depression, people tend to overlook it and jump to Dx's with much lower occurrence percentages. Major Depressive Disorder can cause every issue he's got:

    **weight gain (comfort eating and/or a result of self-hate)
    **temperamental mood swings (when you hate yourself it's easy to hate everyone else too)
    **drug abuse (self-medication and self-ruination)
    **sloppy appearance (no energy and/or motivation for self- care, some feel like they don't "deserve" it, etc).

    It's a cycle that feeds itself and it can be very difficult to pull yourself out of those depths without help. That being said, some people are just assholes, regardless. He's one of them.

  10. Riven3:28 AM

    Ps. Not trying to play armchair psychologist or discount your opinion, but MDD is so often overlooked and so terrible for people suffering from it. Just thought I'd point it out since everyone should know the signs - it could save someone's life.

  11. Groaning5:05 AM

    Good riddance to him. I am so slick of shrubby guys becoming movie stars. I want my stars to be gorgeous men not rejects from The Biggest Loser.

  12. Wow you're an estate agent and a psychiatrist

  13. Brit: You don't have to be a jerk when replying to posted comments.
    Yes, I am a Commercial Real Estate Broker, and I do run into all sort of people in my line of work.
    And, on a personal note, unfortunately, my daughter has been diagnosed with BPD. So, I am aware of some of the BPD symptoms -- of which self medicating (alcohol and drugs), overeating, or self harming such as cutting, or overt sexual or physical behavior are just a few of the signs of BPD. There are others, but you can research those by using the internet for yourself.
    You may think mental health is a laughing matter, but it is not.
    And, a psychiatrist did diagnose my daughter as suffering BPD of which she spent 30 days in a treatment facility in Southern California.
    So, bugger off!

  14. back again8:21 AM

    Hey c'mon now miss Brit, i recall @David talking very sensitively about his daughter going through a lifetime of similiar issues so i'm open to hear & educate myself from anyone who's currently going through the snark required.

  15. back again8:23 AM

    Thanks @Riven-That was really good--seriously..

  16. back again8:26 AM

    Oh Wow @david, I was kind of trying to say that....kindof...too.... : )

  17. Thank you.
    And, I think Riven has a good point, too! -- about the cycle of depression.

  18. None of us really know what is going on with him. There are all kinds of reasons that people booze and binge. But he does look like he's been partying way too hard.

  19. BPD and Bipolar disorder are not the same illness. AT All. Both also cannot be seen from the outside. Sometimes the cycles of behaviour seem quite apparent with BPD, but we haven't see anything like that from this guy.

  20. sonny2:17 AM

    If he has BPD it doesn't explain his douchebag diva behavior towards people. I've has friends who worked on sets with him and have said he is a horrendously, horrible person. He treats only celebrities that will make him more famous nice but treats everyone else like CRAP.

  21. Riven3:13 AM

    Thanks David! I don't think either one of us is trying to diagnose the guy, but rather shedding light on mental illnesses. JH may not have any, who knows, but maybe someone reading the comments will think twice before assuming someone they know is just lazy, when in fact they may be having an invisible crisis. Thank you for the info as well and for sharing your personal experience with BPD.

  22. @david I know I don't have to be a jerk, but its the comment section of a sleb gossip site with pretty witty commentators so........ I kinda wanna.
    I hope your daughter and the extended family (including yourself) are getting the support needed.
    Just a suggestion (as a mental health service user myself, and someone who works with disabled people/ survivors of MH/ violence) perhaps don't reveal your daughters diagnosis under comments that link to your website for a coupla reasons 1.its really important as vulnerable people to have our privacy and be able to tell our stories ourselves, in our own words. Obvs as her family you have your own story to tell, but linking it to personal details means her and your confidentiality is automatically infringed 2. there are some really weird and creepy freaks online who look for vulnerable people to take advantage of through the internet; due to this our policy at work is encourage people to be very cautious in their online presence and we don't facebook etc. coz we're can't protect from stalkers/predators in online settings.
