Thursday, May 21, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3- Kindness

January 30, 2015

If you have been reading the site since the beginning of time, there is one B-/C+ list actress that I swore I would never be nice to on the site after she humiliated a reader who was writing a piece on a movie the no named talent less hack was starring in. See, there I go again. I will be nice because she was. There were two women stuck in their car who had driven off the side of the road and apparently hundreds of cars had passed and not seen them. Our actress was a passenger and saw them. She wasn’t sure she had seen anything, but made the driver of her van turn around because of something she said that made the hairs on her neck tingle. The car had been covered so only a bit could be seen from the road. The two women were fine when they were pulled out of the car by a rescue crew.

Olivia Thirlby


  1. Kno Won Uno2:25 AM

    Still a no name talentless hack.

  2. Derek Harvey2:31 AM

    who dat

  3. Tricia132:34 AM

    I saw a movie with her not long ago..some Indy Ill go get name and post it. i liked the movie, but she was supposed to be this femme fatale, and I was like..HUH? you have to see the film to get it...

  4. Tricia132:39 AM

    Film was "Nobody Walk", and John krakinski was enamored of her.Married guy in film he falls for her...I just. Didn't.See It.

  5. Kno Won Uno2:57 AM

    I really need a career that requires doing absolutely nothing, talentlessly.

  6. And-so-on..3:32 AM

    Wake up!? She was called to perform a good deed.. I am sure she was surprised and delighted.
    Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.

  7. August3:32 AM

    She was Juno's BFF, who Juno 1st tells she's preggers.

  8. They were hyping her for a time after Juno, but that really didn't go anywhere.

    She was also Natalie Portman's sister in No Strings Attached, the one getting married.

  9. Kara S.3:42 AM

    "She wasn’t sure she had seen anything, but made the driver of her van turn around because of something she said that made the hairs on her neck tingle." WHAT DOES THIS EVEN MEAN?

  10. MeMyselfandI4:12 AM

    I really liked her in The Wackness...or, I just really liked the movie and she happened to be in it

  11. labman4:33 AM

    I liked her in "Dredd" and "Darkest Hour". Two not very popular movies that I thought were good. Probably more like what MeMyselfandI said.To me this marginal kindness, I think most people would do the same.If anything it's that she has gifted eyesight or esp.

  12. Suzie5:10 AM

    She does roles that really any young woman could do.

    She's not the usually leading lady pretty, so she's the BF or sister in most movies.

  13. Derek Harvey12:54 PM

    Here is entys original rant about her

    Have you heard of Olivia Thirlby? Yes, she was in Juno and played Leah. Other than that? Nothing. Well guess what? She's in a new film called The Wackness with Mary Kate Olsen and Ben Kingsley. Still haven't heard of her? Well she got hired to co-star with Seth Rogen in his new film Pineapple Express. Then she must have pissed someone off or been the worst actress in the world because they fired her. Do you know how bad you have to suck to get fired after they hire you? She must have pissed off someone or, as I said she could have been the worst actress in the world. I tend to think it is a little bit of both. She got replaced by Amber Heard. You remember Amber don't you? I had some of her photos on the site recently and all of you said she looked like death. How bad do you have to suck in this world to be replaced by death? The producers were so desperate to get rid of you they chose a woman who made those recent Courtney Love photos look like a f**king Hawaiian Tropic ad.
    Anyway, the reason this has me all worked up is because of all of you. See, in an attempt to give you more snark with more access, I arranged for someone to go screen The Wackness and then on Thursday is doing these little roundtables with the stars of the film that are made available. Richard, who has written a couple of things for the site is doing the interviews. So you know there will be snark. Well Mary Kate and Ben Kingsley aren't doing any press for this film. That leaves the second rung of actors in the film. Method Man definitely on board with CDAN. Josh Peck? Absolutely wants to do it.
    Olivia Thirlby? Her reps decided that CDAN wasn't an appropriate site for her. An appropriate site? This b*tch can't get arrested. She should be sucking up to AARP magazine and Highlights for interviews. Not appropriate? You have got to f**king kidding me. See, the thing is, everyone who gets interviewed would probably get some love at least for a week or so. It isn't like you are going to be interviewed and then get a free pass forever. It doesn't work that way. But, at least you know you are going to get mentioned more frequently than you otherwise would and lets face it, I'm not going to be a complete ass to you.
    HOWEVER, if your name is Olivia Thirlby you better never take a bad photo because it will be on the site constantly. You better never do something stupid like getting fired from an A list film like Pineapple Express. Whoops. Like Chutes and Ladders baby and you got that long ass chute that goes from like 99 back to 6. Olivia better never smoke or drink in public. She better never do anything anytime because frankly, she isn't good enough to tell you or me or any of us to f**k off. If she thinks she's good enough now, what happens when she finally does sleep with the right person and gets a movie? Then what? She will be an even bigger b*tch.
    Now with that being said, enjoy the interviews Richard. Make sure you ask Method Man and Josh Peck if she was a b*tch to them also.

  14. A round of applause for your article.Thanks Again. Really Great.
