Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 24, 2015

This A list mostly television actress on a very hit network show was all smiles the other night at a party. Without her husband and telling people they were moving on seemed liberating for her. The whole sham marriage thing has been dragging her down for awhile.

Kerry Washington


  1. So with all of the divorce rumors, I guess this divorce has already been planned and they are just waiting on the right day to leak the news.

  2. Princess Kate1:33 AM

    I truly don't understand why she needed the sham marriage in the first place . . .

  3. MontanaMarriott1:35 AM

    The rumor from the beginning was that she was with TG's child and needed someone to pass as the baby's daddy. Since the child is here we have yet to see pics of him/her because although both parents are darker in skin tone the baby is very pale and appears mixed

  4. Have you seen the baby? I've never seen a pic so how do you know it is mixed?

  5. Princess Kate1:41 AM

    Why didn't she just pull a January Jones, and refuse to disclose the paternity of her child?

  6. Kno Won Uno1:47 AM

    I agree, thought it was silly & pointless.

  7. sandybrook2:19 AM

    Yet they are still together and she dragged Nnamdi to NYC for the Vogue deal even though they weren't really photographed much together.

  8. Sadie2:33 AM

    So we can assume she got pregnant by someone (a white guy if it's true the baby's light skinned - her husband isn't), got the guy to marry her because the baby's father is married?

    What did he get out of it? A green card?

  9. sandybrook2:39 AM

    If we follow ALL the rumors about these 2, Nnamdi's gay and she's bearding for him while he covers for Tony as daddeh.

  10. More like a black Amex card!

  11. MontanaMarriott2:48 AM

    No I personally have not seen the baby I am just reiterating what the rumor going around Hollywood is.

  12. Erin B3:47 AM

    Why didn't she get a white guy or light-skinned guy to sham for her if the baby is light?

  13. I don't think it matters because she does not plan out showing the baby anyway.

    Surprised this is a reveal now considering there's no breaking news.

  14. WhyWhyWhy???4:59 AM

    hahahhaha Abby...I am rolling over here. I feel awful I can't get into Scandal ...I just watched it for the first time the other night at a friend...I'm like "really."

  15. NoseyNeighbor10:28 AM

    I'm happy for her and wish them both the best. Relationships can be hard and it's never a good idea to hop into one if you're not 100% sure. I speak from experience. I hope she finds someone who makes her heart smile and soar. I wish the same for him. I hope she finds someone who is just as excited about her as she is about him.

  16. Malibuborebee12:03 PM

    She has some vague political ambitions, being an unwed mother didn't fit in with that. I'm sure the sham-husband cost her a fortune and will continue to cost her a fortune.

  17. Betty1:03 PM

    I don't believe for a second it's Goldwyn's child. He doesn't strike me as the type that would hide his child's identity. Especially if the mother is Kerry Washington. He is all googoo eyed when it comes to her. I really don't think it's a sham marriage either. They were dating a year or two before they got married. Like most Hollywood marriages, she got pregnant had the baby and now they are divorcing. In the two pictures that I saw of the baby where her legs were exposed form under a blanket she looks pretty dark like her parents. She probably is just protecting the privacy of her baby because she knows the minute pics are released they will be all over social media.

  18. She was dating him before the "marriage"? Ya if you read gossip rags they bounce from one year to three years. Except they were never seen together and her and TG were very chummy literally the month before her supposed wedding. It's a sham. They look miserable when they show up to events together.

  19. Devil1:47 PM

    KW doesn't date gay men, just saying...

  20. His people (NA) already said two years ago that they weren't really married. Notice he don't wear a ring?

    I think it's NA baby too but he was likely a donor. These two people are not in a relationship.

  21. Bubbles11:55 PM

    The complexion of the parents is irrelevant. If either of them has a light parent, grandparents, etc. it can show up in the baby. Happens all the time in the Black community.

  22. That's true but most of the time the child will have the same complexion as the parents. Unless the parents are two different shades.

    Point being, there's no reason for KW child to be either dark skin (ex. Kevin Hart) if NA is the father or mixed looking unless it's her co-star's.

    His other daughter has his complexion. Her mother is the same color as KW.

  23. Emily2:50 AM

    Neither do I, I don't understand why most of these celebs do. Other than really high profile people, no one else really cares like Naya Rivera and her purchased husband...what is the point?

  24. NFLcorner4:02 PM

    Happens all the time; yes, Bubbles. But your understanding of genetics is shit.

  25. Bubbles2:29 AM

    Well please enlighten me oh great scientific one!

  26. Bubbles is right. Obviously it's not a scientific explanation, but you can't look at two black parents and determine the shade a child's colour will be. I have two children one fair with light brown eyes, one dark (same father). My sister and I- it's the same thing- I'm fair she's dark( same sad) it does happen all the time in the black community.
