Saturday, May 02, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #11

March 24, 2015

I guess it is one way to try and get a reality show. This model turned celebrity girlfriend turned celebity wife turned probably had sex with a celebrity who was married while they were both married wants to star in her own version of Rock of Love and is willing to sleep with as many executives and contestants on the show as it takes to get her and keep her on the air. Classy.

Amber Rose


  1. Suzanne6:40 AM

    With all the sleeping around/cheating/sex with as many people as possible, the big pharmas must be overjoyed for the endless demand of their STD medications...

  2. Back in the early 80's when I worked in Hollywood, AIDs was the big scare. I am surprised that there are NOT more celebrities coming down with it.

  3. sandybrook7:57 AM

    We need some punctuation here and a data base connection error fix Enty ( all f'n afternoon!)

  4. Mooshki8:38 AM

    Wait, isn't that how everyone gets a reality show?

  5. Thandie2:06 PM

    "...probably had sex with a celebrity who was married while they were both married..."
    Perfect phrasing, Enty. NOT.
