Saturday, May 02, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #10

March 24, 2015

This former B list mostly television actress who will be B list again once her new show hits the air replacing the one that just ended has a very jealous boyfriend. He guards his meal ticket like a hawk and is by her side or watching her on set or staling her trailer the entire time she is working. He never lets her out of his sight.

Lea Michele



  1. Can you say: Insecure.

  2. Oh, my wife told me recently, that she told our son, when he was complaining about his love making performance with his girlfriend: "Guys who are great in bed, don't lose girlfriends."

  3. sandybrook7:59 AM

    Of course he does. She pays him more to be her b\f than he could ever make as a male prostitute and he gets papped too!

  4. If true, it is not healthy. He makes himself look like that probably want the money...I mean....girl for his own at any means.
