Friday, May 22, 2015

Blind Item #9

For the first time I can remember there is trouble in the marriage of this A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee. Three weeks ago everything was fine but now our actress has practically moved from the house and is not wearing her wedding ring. Something serious must have happened very quickly.


  1. Derek Harvey4:01 AM

    Cate Blanchett

  2. Tricia134:02 AM

    Natalie Portman

  3. cebii4:22 AM

    Portman and Blanchett are both in Cannes - Blanchett was definately wearing her ring, and so was Portman, or at least a big shiny on the left ringfinger.

  4. Tricia134:34 AM

    I looked cocktail ring-ish. Just seemed Portman because Enty has never insuated heavily about rifts in a marriage the way he did with Portman last summer(ish I think). When she "moved back to LA "allegedly".
    Never heard squat about CB's marriage...

  5. snitty5:49 AM

    Julia roberts? I don't know if her marriage has ever been in trouble. She certainly troubled his first marriage, though.

  6. slim shady6:01 AM

    Reese Witherspoon? or maybe she's A+?

  7. snitty6:10 AM

    I would cry if it's Frances McDormand

  8. Riven6:47 AM

    Julianne Moore?

    I think they were last together publicly 2 weeks ago so hopefully not.

  9. Does anyone go here for blinds?

  10. McDormand is in Cannes with her husband and their son. The son has been photographed all over Cannes with his gf.

    Streep and Roberts - there have always been rumors. Reese is A+.

    Blanchett is turning blue trying to backtrack from admitting she's a lesbian (despite the Variety reporters tweet ensuring she had been quoted accurately). Maybe hubby decided that was enough humiliation.

    I say Blanchett. Don't think she qualifies as A+ as she has no box office pull, any big box office hits (like Hobbit) weren't successful because she was in the film.

  11. Malibuborebee12:36 PM

    She's had trouble in her marriage. Wasn't her husband hot and heavy with CZJ for a while - like they were going to leave their spouses hot and heavy?

  12. Emily Watson.

  13. snitty1:56 AM

    You make a really good case for Blanchett...I forgot about her recently admitting to relationships with women. I avoided overseas actresses cuz I thought Enty would make note of that in the hints, but I think you are right.
