Thursday, May 21, 2015

Blind Item #8

At a recent party, this Pitch Perfect actor embarrassed himself with how jealous he is of his actress girlfriend. Clinging on like Benji Madden, he freaked out whenever she would talk to another guy. The guy has some serious insecurity problems.


  1. Derek Harvey1:46 AM

    Skylar Astin, Anna Camp

  2. Tricia131:47 AM

    Sklyar Astin

  3. Kno Won Uno2:03 AM

    I really like that "Clinging on like Benji Madden" is a thing. I wonder how that marriage is going.

  4. WhyWhywhy???2:41 AM

    I don't know why I assumed she got married due a a pregnancy...couldn't see why she would have married him. Even her bad movies are better than her choices in men. Just goes to show you being beautiful, talented, rich and thin doesn't stop the crazy. I didn't think she get lower than Fake-Rod.

  5. Wendy3:41 AM

    I really thought she was pregnant too, she looked like it for a little bit. Maybe she had a miscarriage :/

  6. Meowie4:12 AM

    @Kno Other gossip sites claim that Cam was feeling vulnerable after several film flops and age. Nicole pushed for marriage, presenting it like "insta-family," "we'll be like sisters." So that is really what Cam wanted - family. But of course, Nicole and Joel are supposedly engaged in a mutually aggressive pre-divorce dance and now Cam is caught in the middle, gal pal vs hubby.
