Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Blind Item #8

A flight attendant on a private jet said this A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee spent almost an entire 12 hour flight doing line after line of coke and shots of booze in between doing laps up and down the short aisle of the plane. All traces of the coke were gone by the time the plane landed back in the US. His manic behavior was not though.


  1. Derek Harvey1:46 AM

    Bradley Cooper

  2. Kno Won Uno1:51 AM

    I'm going to stick with my Brad Pitt guess and eventually I'll be correct. He was in the photos yesterday looking his usual brand of disheveled landing at LAX. I'll assume that means he was returning to the US, even though he could just as easily have arrived from Wisconsin or Texas.

  3. sandybrook2:14 AM

    Depp would be a good candidate too considering he's clearly on something.

  4. Sadie2:17 AM

    McConaughey obviously. He had to fly from Texas to Cannes by private jet and then the next day from Cannes back to New Orleans where he is filming.

    After the reviews he got in Cannes, I think drugs and booze are understandable.

  5. Kno Won Uno2:19 AM

    It's probably All of the Above.

  6. Sadie2:30 AM

    Depp's out, It's impossible to imagine him running up and down the aisle of a plane. He can barely walk.

  7. Concerned2:45 AM

    Isn't enviornmentalist Leo DiCaprio the King of the Private Jet Set?

  8. Sadie2:46 AM

    It's McConaughey. I just looked on his wife's twitter. She posted a photo of herself getting in a private jet to fly to Cannes, a photo with two smiling flight attendants (with big mouths evidently).

  9. M.M.? Say ain't so. Say it ain't so.

  10. TheCousinEddy11:42 AM

    Sadie nailed this one. Matt was in Houston to give the commencement address at the U of H where he sat on a stool and rambled aimlessly and even had the crowd wondering when his speech was going to end. Next thing you know he's in Cannes and then back to the States. Undoubtedly 'ol Wooderson needed some pep powder to keep him on his A game. Alright, Alright, Alright...

  11. TheCousinEddy11:47 AM

    And here is the instagram picture Sadie is referring to:

    Camila Alves Boarding a Jet to Cannes

  12. Malibuborebee11:53 AM

    Why would anyone need or want to see pictures of Mrs. McBongo getting on a plane? Seems a bit Hilaria-esque.

    I would have said Mel Gibson but McBongo seems like a credible guess.

  13. Sadie1:02 AM

    I want to know which of those two smiling flight attendants emailed Enty. Don't they have to sign confidentiality agreements?

  14. He just flew from Australia to LA to drop off his dogs..
