Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Blind Item #6

This reality star from a long long running hit cable show about a business has been in this space before. This weekend he was at a pool party and only would have conversations with women who would show him their breasts.


  1. Kno Won Uno1:04 AM

    Anyone from Pawn Stars.

  2. Chumlee, he seems to be the odd one of the group.

  3. Kno Won Uno1:07 AM

    Or Cake Boss.

  4. TheOriginalGMan1:11 AM

    Agreed. He was also a recent blind reveal for getting into a drunken mix-up with Rob Gronkowski in Vegas when Gronk stole a couple of babes he was hitting on away from him.

  5. Princess Kate1:34 AM

    I only chose to have conversations with people who DON'T ask to see my breasts.

  6. AndrewBW3:01 AM

    No one ever asks to see my breasts. :-(

  7. And-so-on..4:21 AM

    DrFugly scouting gals for his bad plastic surgery website..?

  8. tawnie11:34 AM

    Chumlee was at a pool party with DJ Pauly D this past weekend. He seems like a douche

  9. TheCousinEddy11:59 AM

    Here I go again... If the young ladies' self-esteem is so low that they cave into his request of tatas for conversation, then that's their fault. I'm sure a witty yet stinging retort or a slap to Chumlee's face by one of these poolside girls would curtail his unsavory actions.
