Thursday, May 21, 2015

Blind Item #5 - *Bachelorette Spoilers/Kind Of*

This still famous Bachelor contestant who also writes, says she hooked up with one (past participant) of the final three contestants this season and that is the reason there is no winner. Apparently the Bachelorette found out and was ticked.


  1. Tricia1312:49 AM

    Michelle Money

  2. Derek Harvey1:02 AM

    Does this show ever go on hiatus??? It seems to be on 52 weeks a year...

  3. Kno Won Uno1:16 AM

    That's how it gets to be season 17 on some of these shows when it's been on 3 years. I always think "really?! Season 20, for real??"
    What's a season now, 6 weeks?

  4. Mr. Knowitall6:01 AM

    I assume this is supposed to be Michelle and Nick?

  5. Dudette8:14 AM

    When it said "writes," I thought of the skeezy, bitchy one that Ben chose, who will do anything (and anyone) to stretch her 15 minutes. Courtney something...too lazy to look her up.
