Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Blind Item #3

This Disney actress who becomes legal very soon recently went under the knife because she wants her first adult role to have a topless scene so there will be no going back to the Mouse.


  1. Tricia1312:01 AM

    Bella Thorne

  2. Kno Won Uno12:20 AM

    Possibly apropos - I was watching Vogues of 1938 the other day and thinking 'when did giant breasts become the surgically-enhanced norm?' Young, slender women with small breasts are not defective, that's all I'm saying.

  3. AndrewBW12:31 AM

    Good movie, with the woefully underrated Joan Blondell.

  4. Kno Won Uno12:32 AM

    I agree. She was fabulous and never really recognized.

  5. Holden McGroin1:28 AM

    Gotta be Bella. I agree though there was nothing wrong with her body as is

  6. Whywhywhy???3:27 AM

    never mind the size of her breasts...why the hell does she want them shown on screen?????!!!!! I'm going to lay down if this post lost soul gets her lips or butt injected....SMH

  7. Whywhywhy???3:28 AM

    or is that lie down??? Mmmnnnn

  8. DoctorMaybe6:54 AM

    1) You use "lie" when you are the one who will be down. You use "lay" when you are talking about something you are putting down.

    2) Bella Thorne wants to show her boobs on screen because there is a just God and he loves me, personally. Obvs.

    3) Her body is fabulous as-is and there's no reason on earth she NEEDS implants. That said, people are entitled to look how they want to look and should feel comfortable with their own bodies, even if that means having to alter it so they feel more comfortable. Heck, I even support this in the case of the guy who tattooed jigsaw puzzle pieces all over his body.

    5) H'wood is a mind-f**k, man.

  9. If she isn't confident enough in her acting and is already defaulting to nudity before anybody knows her name she's already in trouble. transitioning from the mousehouse to respectable actress is not something that really happens, sorry girl.

  10. TheCousinEddy7:56 AM

    I, too, am of the school that this is *supposed* to be about Bella Thorne, but she was running around Joel Silver's Malibu Memorial Day Party in a skimpy bikini and didn't look recently "enhanced". I'm going to burn in hell for saying this, but Bella has a nice, proportionate figure and, in my opinion, would look silly with large breasts. She should embrace what she has and roll with it.

    Bella Frolicking in the Malibu Surf - Memorial Day 2015

  11. This is obviously Thorne. Those new bikini pics today prove she went from her natural "A" to a healthy "C" very recently. Too bad. And the surgeons doing work on minors need to lose their license.

  12. LimoMan11:42 AM

    Some people are blind. Those recent pics prove that Bella is obviously still a very flat A cup. Though the pics also show that she has been receiving some kind of ass injections (she did say earlier that she was on some kind of medication). Why does everybody keep thinking all tweener blinds are about Miley, Selena, Ariana or Bella? The Mouse has a lot more tweeners on the payroll than that. This blind has to be about someone else, someone turning 18 soon.

  13. Malibuborebee1:33 PM

    She's definitely had her tits done already.
