Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Blind Item #2 - Cannes

This B- list mostly movie actress is a newlywed. She also could use some work to keep her status. The only thing she has going for her is that franchise. Apparently she now considers herself far too busy and important to sign autographs or take photos and if you are a woman who wants to take a photo with her actor husband, forget it. She drags him away or shoves a hand in front of the cell phone of teenagers. I guess she thinks it is Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton all over again and not what it is. A future in VH-1 reality shows.


  1. Tricia1311:45 PM

    Nikki reed

  2. snitty11:50 PM

    What Tricia said

  3. Kno Won Uno11:50 PM

    Elizabeth Taylor would never be that gauche.

  4. Tricia1311:57 PM

    Ha..Richard Burton would never be that stupid!!
    drunk maybe, not stupid lol

  5. Johnny Depp and whatserface.

  6. ~~~♥♥Baby Doll♥♥~~~3:00 AM

    megan fox/brian green
