Sunday, May 17, 2015

Blind Item #2 - Cannes

A studio executive nearly got into a fistfight with this A+ list mostly movie director. Apparently the fight centered around the premise that the director should have focused more on his movie and less on trying to sleep with the A+ list mostly movie actor who was starring in it.


  1. Tricia133:34 AM

    Gus Van Zant/matther McHaunahey

  2. Tricia133:34 AM

    Sea Of Trees/Film

  3. Phoebe3:58 AM

    Is anyone else getting a pop up saying their mobile device has been blocked and to pay the blocker $250 in gift cards? I have been getting it while visiting this site on my iPad. I did enable pop up ad blocker and the messages stopped but I think the site has been hacked.

  4. French girl4:31 AM

    Gus van sant likes the boys around 17

  5. Jonathan Andrew Sheen6:46 AM

    I don't think the site's been hacked, I think Enty doesn't vet who he sells ad space to.

  6. Phoebe, I was getting that earlier.

  7. Sadie3:31 AM

    I saw photos of Van Sant with his young bf at a Sea of Trees party in Cannes on newzcard. Despite that, in all the photos both Van Sant and Naomi Watts are looking at McConaughey like they are in love with him. Maybe it was just the cold shower of the terrible reviews and McC's famous cool was their salvation. Naomi (whose bf Liev was photographed with another woman in LA while she was in Cannes with their kids) told a story about how she and McC started a correspondence months before they filmed together. She asked him if she could email him in character as his wife and he said yes. She said he wrote her poetry, good poetry and she was all blushing, saying McC was an incredibly beautiful writer. The journalist asked if she could see some and McC immediately cut her off, no that's for Naomi. I wondered if something was going on.
