Friday, April 03, 2015

Four For Friday - Traditional

Good Friday today and I know that lots of you are off work today and on Monday too in lots of places. I unfortunately have to work both days and would love a four day weekend about now. Speaking of weekends I will be here all weekend blogging away including on Easter. I hope that you get a chance to spend the holiday with those closest to you and that you have fun and stay safe. Next Thursday will be the second Old Hollywood Day. This time, not only will there be Old Hollywood blinds, but the Random Photos will be from Old Hollywood. If you would like to follow me on Twitter, I am @entylawyer

#1 - This back in the day television actress from a very hit network show turned director has stage 4 lung cancer.

#2 - She might look great on the outside, but this foreign born A list model/part-time actress was trying to hook up with women while having a massive herpes breakout. The woman who saw the breakout said she only found out because she turned on the light because she dropped something before they got started. When she saw the breakout got out of there in a hurry.

#3 - This very recent celebrity/network reality star blew off two appearances she was supposed to make for the show to fly to Dubai for two nights.

#4 - This is a strange one. #1 is a B+ list mostly tv actor on a very hit network show. He is married. He has been known to hook up with his A list co-star. Three weeks ago he was at an event and this B list mostly movie actress was there. She was in Twilight. Every installment. The two of them hooked up that night. I thought she had a boyfriend.


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