Monday, April 27, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #8

Apparently this tabloid has their super padded kneepads out for this one because they bit hook line and sinker for the story that this B+ list mostly movie actor has completed a sobriety milestone.


  1. Derek Harvey1:46 AM


  2. Tricia131:46 AM

    Shia Labeouf

  3. Harriet Craig1:47 AM

    Isn't this supposed to be a reveal?

  4. Zac Efron in People magazine?

  5. sandybrook2:34 AM

    Enty are you still drunk? Anyway Depp hasn't sunk to B + yet and Shit LaDouche has so its probably him.

  6. Derek Harvey2:41 AM

    I like that guess

  7. ettacettera2:41 AM

    Whoever People sez is all cleaned up now..anyone read People?

  8. And-so-on..2:42 AM

    Brad Pitt put the fear of A+++++++++ Brad into his dumb-numb skull while filming Fury.. took him aside and told him to clean up his act, do his job and stop whining or complaining.. or no one would take him seriously..

  9. French girl2:43 AM

    It's a new game.Find the revealed not revealed answer

  10. Peopple magazine & ?

  11. Scarlett Drawl3:37 AM

    Bradley Cooper

  12. Theresa4:56 AM

    Zac Efron Supposedly at a party last Thursday celebrating two years sobriety.
    Hollywoodlife and People

  13. Angeline7:23 AM

    No doubt, this is Zac Efron. People Magazine ran an article slobbering all over Zac and his wannabe model/stylist "gf". This was obviously cranked out and submitted by his PR team and People just ran it and didn't even try to pair it with an updated photo. Zac looks like he hates his life now and he needs help..I'm talkin real help not cover ups. As for Sami M...I hope he can break away from that user mess. the more I see of her, the more I think Dil from the "Crying Game"....

  14. Zac he is still partying and covering up

  15. Karen7:33 AM

    this is Efron but I think they are talking about Radar since they ran a article about him partying it up and being a jerk and him cleaning up and now is recovered to a great guy again

  16. George7:35 AM

    Yep I'll go with that Efron is the man. B list with A list name recognition the others are not as hiding anything and have been more vocal.

  17. sad 4 Zac7:37 AM

    Love your post it's true and I hope he gets rid of that user soon for his sake. She will bleed him dry if he doesn't knock her up first . but wait she may have a peen so that won't happen.

  18. Malibuborebee8:08 AM

    Two years sober - Efron? Bollocks.

  19. @sad for zac
    im pretty sure sami goal is to become some famous stylist now. or model or whatever she is, she;s lied before where she's been at and etc

  20. Zac Efron all the way. The article was about Zac and his beard Sami Miro. The party was a few blocks away from where his boyfriend lives.

  21. I don't like this game.

  22. BlackWitch5:23 PM

    Really? Can you tell us his bf name?
