Saturday, April 04, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 26, 2014

The cast of this Broadway show are shocked that the lead actress in the show who is also a B+ list mostly movie actress is able to perform each night at the level she does considering the amount of booze she drinks at night and up to four hours before the show starts. The thing they are not shocked about is her temper in the mornings. Wow. Don’t talk to her until after the show and she has her first drink.

Emma Stone


  1. mish-mash2:28 AM

    Enty had a blind that she travels with a sober coach….this is really sad she's so young

  2. It is sad. Isn't she also considered to be one of the next great actresses like Meryl/Cate/Julianne category great? I hope she gets some control over it.

  3. Planet J3:11 AM

    I really like her and hopes she can get this under control. It's got to be hard to live your life under a microscope.The whole world either praise's or criticizes you for every move you make. There is no way I could do it.

  4. gummibear3:15 AM

    i keep hearing she is a hot mess
    who was it that threw shade at her for being a mess
    on red carpets this awards season???

  5. Erin C6:28 AM

    Chloe Sevigny dissed her in a magazine interview.

  6. AnnieH6:36 AM

    It was Jennifer Lawrence that she dissed. Chloe actually said in the same interview that she loves Emma Stone.

  7. Nicole11:15 AM

    Chloe said when "she was being herself she was great" or something similar. It sounded pretty passive aggressive.

  8. Laurie11:39 AM

    Nah, I'm calling bullshit on this one. Show me any image of her looking drunk, just one of her with bloodshot eyes looking even remotely off balance. Give me an example of her turning up late or unable to perform. One non-blind item of her behaving anything less than in total control. One journalist reporting than she was even slightly not polite. If it's as widespread as you say, none of those should be hard to provide.

  9. Nerdista10:40 AM

    Seriously, I just do not believe this.

  10. BwayInside6:35 AM

    This one is total rubbish. I worked at The Roundabout Theater where Cabaret took place and everyone raved about how great Emma was to work with for her whole run. People were sad to see her go after she extended. There was a lot of partying backstage (at the appropriately titled Club Cumming) but Emma was no more of a drinker than any of the other featured actors. Michelle Williams was the one everyone disliked, maybe Enty got the wrong bit of information. They couldn't wait for her to leave, she was awful to everyone and seemingly always drunk/high.
