Monday, April 27, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 3, 2015

With all of the drama going on behind the scenes at this cable show, the dislike for the new member of the show has kind of been forgotten for a moment. No one can stand her and in the short time she has been there has been rude to just about everyone.

Kathy Griffin (and a few days later she was gone)


  1. sandybrook3:32 AM

    I dont even think Anderson Cooper likes her.

  2. Kno Won Uno3:38 AM

    She's a little old for the childish crap she pulls.

  3. texasrose4:38 AM

    She'll be back to the D list soon enough.

  4. Lala Lohan5:32 AM

    I'm calling BS on this one. KG has a very good reputation for being professional and getting on with folks.

  5. teehee11:44 AM

    Ditto. What are the incentives for the likes of Anderson Cooper, Jane Fonda, Chelsea Handler, Lena Dunham, Aubrey Plaza, Eva Longoria, Josh Groban, etc., to put up with her irrelevant rude ass and work with her, and pretend to like her? You don't go from a complete nobody to one of the most successful comediennes in your late 40s by being a bitch to everyone you work with.
