Saturday, April 04, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 24, 2014

There is a war going on right now between this B list singer who is sometimes A list when the big star wants to play and this A list talk show host who did not have a good week last week. The singer took some exception to what the talk show host had to say about the singer and a war of words has escalated to the point where the singer is telling her friends to not appear on the talk show and trying to get her A++ list friend to join in on the fight. Apparently the singer just doesn’t know how to take criticism and needs to grow up.

Kelly Rowland/Wendy Williams/Beyonce


  1. Planet J3:00 AM

    Wendy will always say what she thinks. I don't always agree with her or how she goes about it.. but I do respect her for always keeping it real and staying true to herself. She's not a kiss ass,like most talk show hosts are.

  2. gummibear3:24 AM

    i think she made fun of kelly's royal baby name or something
    as if beyonce is going on wendy's show anyway
    as if

  3. That's stupid! Wendy doesn't have A or B listers on her show. She's lucky to get C. Satellite radio gets more A listers.

  4. it took forever8:55 AM

    wendy alienated a lot of those stars back in her radio days, doubt beyonce would ever make an appearance. i sooooo love wendy
