Thursday, April 16, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3

February 18, 2015

At dinner the other night, this amazing actress who stars in her own television show but is having a big year in movies. Well, one in particular said that her A list actor ex-husband never called her by her name the entire time they were together and called her a comic book name instead. She also was tied up at least once a week so he could rescue her. She laughed about it hard.

Patricia Arquette/Nicolas Cage


  1. Ernesto662:42 AM

    "Lois Lane", of course. Tim Burton has a lot to answer for.

  2. Jenny2:43 AM

    $100 says he called her Lois.

    He also named his kid Kal El.

  3. Tiara2:45 AM

    He's supposed to have a massive Superman collection too, but that was before he started selling his castles, so who knows if he still has it all.

  4. Riven3:04 AM

    Love her.

  5. Nick Cage lost most of his 20 something homes to foreclosure because he says his business manager didn't pay the mortgages, etc. In Las Vegas, he lost the nice house he owned in Spanish Hills to foreclosure. (I am told he never stayed or lived there.)
    He is an example of someone who doesn't understand that mansion homes cost money and you need another form of income (think NNN CRE property) to help pay for the homes.

  6. tricia133:27 AM

    I do too@Riven. Super lovely

  7. Oh, Nic Cage. Never change you crazy bastard.

  8. Planet J4:29 AM

    I think the only property he totally owns now,is a burial plot in a NOLA cemetery. It's said that spirits told a medium or voodoo priestess in NOLA that he had to buy a burial plot in the same cemetery that Marie Laveau is buried. He had to build a pyramid,with certain mathematical dimension to appease the spirits in order to have a curse lifted off of him,that was placed on him,when he bought the Lalaurie House in New Orleans. It's the #1 most haunted house in America. The background of that house is absolutely horrid!

  9. tricia134:33 AM

    I saw that house( and the cemetary). They are fascinating.

  10. Planet J5:01 AM

    Very fascinating! Every inch of New Orleans is mystical and fascinating..can't wait to get back down there.

  11. tricia135:17 AM

    let me know when you are headed there lady:)

  12. Planet J5:37 AM

    It will be in about a week and a half. We will be spending 2 nights in Natchez and 1 in NOLA. Wish we could stay longer,but hubby has to get back for work. Hopefully,some time this summer,we can get down there and stay a bit longer. I love it there!:)

  13. tricia135:43 AM

    Its my top 3 cities of all time, and mystical is a perfect word to use in describing it.
    This summer is a possibility/...Love those hawt N'awlins summer rains....*nostalgic*
    you have a great time on the trip, hopefully you can check in with us:)

  14. Planet J5:55 AM

    I'm sure I'll check in once or twice,while I'm down there.
    I'll stop by Cafe Du Monde and have a cafe'au lait and a beignet for you!;) lol..xoxo

  15. tricia136:00 AM

    and Preservation Hall, please!

  16. doodoolemonque9:02 AM

    "Amazing actress?" She's god awful. She's flat and wooden and can't produce a real appearing emotion to save her life. That must have been some sort of pity Oscar she received, for having to keep showing up for that tedious, boring, yearslong shoot.
